Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wedding Course In Tower Regency Hotel, Ipoh

This evening I was given a task to do.... I was invited to go to Tower Regency Ballroom to "taste" a set of wedding course.... Of course, it is my pleasure.... anytime!  When it comes to food tasting, call me anytime!  LOL.... Hope I do not sound that I have not eaten for a long-long time!  

Coming back to the dinner in Tower Regency, there were ten of us led to a table and after a short while, dish after dish came out....
There is a total of 8 dishes plus refreshing longan drink right at the end.  About the food, there is nothing much to shout about.  Needless to say, the food depends on what kind of price one is willing to pay... Actually the taste is not too bad if one does not start to compare with other restaurants.  One of us mentioned this... "If you want tastier food, then the better choice will be those authentic chinese restaurants but then, the atmosphere will be entirely different from those held in ballrooms."

So which do you rather prefer?  Tastier food with less romantic scenes or Simple food with posh surroundings?
While you ponder over the above question, let me show you the homemade "Ang-ku-s" prepared by one guest.  She brought these for us and I finally reached a verdict....

The Desserts stole the "limelight" for this evening.... 


  1. Can see from your food photos, kinda simple. The first combination was only 3 dishes. Chinese said the dish is "phok"~thin.

    I like the angku very much.

  2. you're right depends how much you willing to pay for a table. The venue where to hold the wedding reception also another tricky part to decide.

  3. The angku so cute wan so fat fat! I like!

  4. The dishes look alright..I would prefer a more comfortable place for the at the restaurants or hotels are more or less taste alright..afterall how much one can eat in the wedding dinner.

  5. of course must find the Food Mayor of Ipoh to go together and taste the dishes right?? hahahaha.. errr, you are right huh, those "ang ku" looks more appetizing, maybe because of the color, that steals the limelight of the night.. hahaha!! pathetic~~

  6. those were a lot of great dish to choose from

  7. This is a hard choice. Pictures #2 and #4 look the tastiest to me. I think maybe I would rather have the better food than the atmosphere. So WHY did they call YOU, Claire? Are you on some kind of list or what? This would be HEAVEN!

  8. Wah!!!!! Whose wedding? Not inviting me kah? Tsk! Tsk!

  9. Food looks ok but tastewise I would not know. For me, I prefer tastier food.

  10. The ang ku kueh attracted me, the foods all looks yummy yummy...

  11. The first dish looks good and also the angku kueh.....makes me feel hungry now.

  12. angeline: me too! love the desserts! yes, either you want good food or romantic atmosphere..

    chris: lets go supper..

  13. merryn: yes..fat and not sweet and lots of fillings!!

    agnes: you have a point there!

  14. sk: the ang ku skins are made of sweet potatoes.. :)

    mecoy: varieties..8 of them!

  15. ginny: actually the invitation is from my friend.. :)

    stp: u wanna come meh??? wait la.. if my own wedding..ooopss.. i mean my kids' one, then i call u!!

  16. ballroom wedding is kinda cool..I love the atmosphere.

  17. sharon: i agree with you!!

    mery: normally first dish are the one people eyed...

  18. I prefer 'tastier food with less romantic scenes', cause somehow we also 'pay' to eat ma! xD

  19. wenn: a way, ballrooms have the ambience..

    hayley: very satt chai! hahaha..

  20. simple dishes but I am sure they are delicious.

  21. I couldn't agree more with Hayley. I prefer delish food to romantic environment.

    I know many guests would complain if the food tastes so-so. They never complain about the so-so environment :p

  22. tekkaus: they are nice.. widened my waist.. hahaha...

    yvonne: true in a way..

    ling: i want them too!!

  23. Wah! You have become the Food Mayor of Ipoh!!! Ha ha ha...

    I always love to join this food tasting invitations to eat for free!


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....