Friday, May 24, 2013

A Short Vacation Down South

Started an early drive to KL this morning... going down south was definitely better, the vehicles were very much less than those driving up north. I think the long queue lasted for a few kilometers for those traveling up north this morning and noon... Well, it is school holidays again and many including me are taking this opportunity to go for a short vacation....

No sight seeing for me, I prefer to just sit in the house and relax... and just eat... and eat... hahahaa.. With the elder generation in the house, food is never forgotten...  My mom and my auntie are the main cooks, the younger generation just have to hang around in the kitchen to "oversee".... hahaha....

And soon.... everything was laid on the table....
Come ... lets have a seat...

the layout...
                                             A truly scrumptuous home cooked food ....
After dinner, ladies' bonding....
My nephew took this picture without our knowledge....
Guess who is behind the laptop?
Multitasking as usual !!


  1. must be you!! blogging!! hahaha

  2. The food looks just delicious!!! Home cooked food by loved ones is always better than eating out.

  3. Wahhhh!!!! Looks like restaurant food - bet it tastes even nicer!!!! Down South, where? Singapore, again? Hmmm...never mind, you very kaya, not a problem at all. Hehehehehe!!!!

  4. Ya lar, must be you blogging lor...

  5. A truly home cooked food. Super yummy tasty food. Ladies meeting after the meal, hehehe!!...

  6. the food! oh my! seriously you never fail to make me drooling!

  7. for that set of food i would choose to stay sit and eat than to go for sight seing too

  8. Really a lot of yummy food! What a warm lovely photo at the end with all of you sharing a good time bonding.

  9. Persatuan Wanita meeting :p....LOL


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....