Thursday, May 23, 2013

Family Farewell Dinner At Sun Lee How Fook, Ipoh

So much happenings and events during the month of April and May... traveling, getting sick, recovering, entertaining, driving here and there... well, I guess I have to catch my breath at the end of this month where everything will subside soon...

Last night we had a very nice sumptuous dinner in Sun Lee How Fook Restaurant, Kampar Road, Ipoh.  It is a family affair and all of us had a wonderful time catching up with one another and making our mouths "busy biting" at the same time. 

The food below are "pre-ordered" one day before and thanks to my elder sisters, I really enjoyed the free flow of food throughout the evening.. :)
Dinner started with the above...
a close up of what was served on the first dish...
Shrimps cooked with two different varieties..
I like the salad type...
Very nice!
this one needs no introduction, right? 
prawn crackers covering the fried chicken...
Yummy Fried Yam with varieties...
followed by this mixed vegetables...
Fried rice with yam and chinese sausages..
Very tasty especially with the yam...
and lastly and not least...
the dinner ended with coconut desserts...
 I had two bowls of this thick "santanic" dessert...
plus one of these crispy lotus balls.. hahaha...
That was the farewell dinner we had in Ipoh last  evening...
Thank you very much, cheh-cheh!


  1. and my jaw literally drop due to those yummy dishes. It all looks great and scrumptious form the main dish to the desserts

  2. Every dish looks so good. Love the last pix with pretty ladies in a row. Cheerssss!!!

  3. i've been to this restaurant before for a colleague's wedding, the food were nice!! and FREE FLOW of food that night?? wow, i want i want!!

  4. I want the fried rice! I'm so hungry right now..

  5. The first dish looks very tasty!!

  6. You got eat the shrimps or not? Naughty naughty ah

  7. You got eat the shrimps or not? Naughty naughty ah

  8. scrumptious food..
    farewell to your sister.

  9. All looks very good, and so do you, Claire! So this place lets you order special ahead of time...

  10. Ooooo...what nice food! Stunning dishes! Gosh!!! You should be resting and not get caught in the midst of all these activities. Not young anymore, yunno! Ah...I just had those lotus balls yesterday.

  11. Mecoy: yea i love them too

    Irene: i put the best one up

  12. Sk: i also want...haha

    Merryn : go to your kitchen now ..haha

  13. Hayley: normally the first dish is one of the best

    Kathy: ate litle bit la. ...

  14. Wenn: yeah going home soon

    Ginny: thanks dear

    Stp: young or not still have to eat....cannot resist la

  15. Yummy food! I like the lotus balls.


Thank you, readers!

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