Saturday, June 8, 2013

In Action At HST Ipoh Badminton Arena

Took down my badminton racket again from the store room... just couldn't resist not going for a game or two in my friend's recently-opened-arena in Ipoh Ampang.  I thought my racket would be hung up for good after an injury on my shoulder and arm few years ago.  And a recent slipped ankle did not deter me either so here I am... playing my heart's out....

Badminton is the only game I have passion for... I am not good at all but I just love to run about and chase after the shuttle... LOL.. .well, I believe that with proper training and all, I could be a good player.. that is if  I were forty years younger!  hahahahaha...
At HST Ipoh Badminton Arena....
Quite crowded especially in the evenings...
In action again....
Have turned "rusty" in my games...
Not so strong and accurate anymore...
Cannot jump as high as before...
Too heavy now...
(and I wonder where my racket is.... can you see it?)
 Love a good game if all the players are compatible..
Well, I guess my badminton racket does not have to turn rusty after all...
But I need to buy a new pair of badminton shoes though...
The present pair have turned into a"crocodile!"
That proves how long my shoes have been idling in the shoe cupboard!


  1. hahahha..I give you coaching la...

  2. chris, when my hair all turned white?

  3. It feels good to be back in action ya? Sweat it all out!! ;)

  4. I don't really know how to play badminton but i enjoyed it back in high school,it was my favorite actually but then never get a chance to try it again perhaps I should consider doing such activity

  5. Good that you enjoy playing badminton. I have not played for ages.

  6. You kah? Doesn't look like you leh...

  7. I love Badminton too, Claire! But here in the states it is all about tennis. We have a badminton set and the girls love to play in the front yard...just for fun, not a scoring match!

  8. Badminton is a good indoor game. See, ada gaya in your action. heheheh!!!. Keep the spirit up. Thumbs Up for you, Claire!!!...

  9. Hayley: rusty liow but still play for fun!

    Mecoy: you should...just to sweat it out :)

    Mun: that is my only form of exercise :)

  10. Stp: look nearer hahaha

    Ginny: the kids sure have fun!

    Irene: yes indoor game so that no drifts...

    Kathy: hai lo!

  11. Just like air guitar, you played air badminton eh? I can't see your racket in that pic! LoL!

  12. That's great! I haven't played for a long time since I left college.

  13. Merryn: ahh. U noticed? Hahaha

    Wenn: many years ago then....wanna join us?

  14. Haha... every one in this world need training for any kind of sport... But first thing you should get is your badminton shoes... because Badminton Shoes For Players are important. So get some nice pair of shoes and rock it.


Thank you, readers!

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