Sunday, June 2, 2013

Our Farewell Home Cooked Dinner In Aberdeen, Scotland

The next morning after our breakfast in Stirling, we had to check out and soon it was time to go back to Aberdeen. Our one week stint has ended.. finally! With the help of GPS, we reached our hotel Jury Inn in Aberdeen in the afternoon.  I was actually feeling very happy to be back in Aberdeen... WHY?

Well, Mary is the reason!  She sent messages in FB while we traveled and I almost jumped with joy when she extended her invitation to her house for dinner  in one of her messages.  She hoped we could make it for dinner...bI quickly replied her message YES, YES without feeling a bit of embarrassment!  (Mary, I was hoping that we could see you again! LOL.... )

Really.... imagine so many days traveling and eating western food, I was actually yearning and craving for  homecooked Chinese food!  Phew... Mary, you know my heart's desire!  LOL...

When we reached her house, she was still preparing her the dishes... but knowing Mary, she is really a fast worker!  In no time, all the dishes were "deliciously served" on the table!
Just look at these!!!
"All these good food for us???" 
Aaron seems to be saying... LOL...
Home Made Chicken Rice - Aberdeen style!
Salmon Curry!
This one doesn't need introduction, right?
Oh Me Oh MY!  Really Yummylicious!
A veryWell Balanced Meal with a plate of greens...
After dinner... we were served with .... 
All these Goodies!
Home Made Ang-ku-s!
Mary's BBQ Dumplings! 
What a Scrumptious Meal !!
A picture to remember us by....
I believe that SOMEONE GREAT arranged this meeting....
He brought us together...Allowing us to know each other..
Though we are staying thousands of miles apart...
Nothing seems to be impossible...
Mary... Stephen...
Thank you once again for making us feel at home
It is a Great Pleasure to know both of you.... 
Hope we can meet up one day... yes..One Day...


  1. Alot of delicious food on the table.

  2. She looks like an amazing cook, I can barely cook two things at once. What a great way to end your visit!

  3. Ooooo...suddenly it felt like home, eh? I wonder if she'll cook such nice things for me if I go over... Wink! Wink! LOL!!!

  4. mery: yes, indeed there are!

    kathy: i saluted many times.. hahaha..

    ginny: yes, the day before we left..

    stp: she might not unless u ajak me sekali.. hahaa..

  5. Mary's homecook meal always make me drooling, hehe....

  6. What a big feast? Home cooked food is always the best. Mary makes the ang-ku and BBQ dumpling? What a talented lady she is? Big Yummy for all the food.

  7. i am totally impressed by all those homecooked food!! chicken rice, dishes and also pastries, she is such a great cook!!

  8. sharon: yes, i agree with you..

    wenn: yummylicious!

    irene: yes, worth dieting to eat all those! hahaha..

    sk: yes, she definitely is!

  9. another appetizing post indeed! all looks great and very scrumptious most especially the first three

  10. whattttt? salmon curry?? i wanna try thatttt!! >.,

  11. mecoy: all looks good!

    henry: hahaha..try out all!

  12. Mary is really nice to invite all of you to her house for a home cooked meal and a very delicious meal too.

  13. Oh...Claire, I didn't know you were 'dying' of home cooked food....haha. Now I'm so glad I did otherwise I will feel guilty for the rest of my life :P I have been quite lazy since I cam back fr holiday. Now your pictures make me drool over my own food....haha. It's so wonderful meeting up with you, Lily and Aaron. Hope we'll meet again one day. In the mean time, do take care and hope you have lots more fun!


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...