Sunday, July 28, 2013

Short Getaway To Kampar

Another weekend getaway... but somewhere near to Ipoh, only a 45 minutes drive to a place called Kampar.  It has been some time since I last went there... Those days before the highways were built, we had to pass through the small towns to do down south.  One of them is Kampar and we love to go there for our breakfast before proceeding to KL.   But ever since the north south highways are built, these small towns were more or less neglected but brought back to life when KTAR and UTAR are built. 

Back to my short day trip, my friend and I began our drive to Gopeng and then to Kampar for our breakfast cum lunch....
Kampar during the 1990sss...
(took this picture which was hung in a coffeeshop)
I ordered this bowl of porridge.... it is "croaky porridge"
Love this paku pakis (wild ferns) with peanuts sauce... 
Some crispy fried fish balls... they cost only 10 sen each!!
My sister recommended this dumpling
Well, it might not look translucent and nice looking..
but after taking a bite, it reminded me of those dumplings
which my mom used to make during our younger days....
And I ended up buying back a few packets for dinner!!
Oh, I am not a coffee lover but when my friend told me that it was best!!  Feeling curious, we asked the boss what brand he used and he brought over the whole tin of coffee powder to show us... hahahaa..... He said that many of his customers also commented that this coffee has the "Ummmph" and the "Kick."  I am not a coffee lover but after he told me this, I had to take a sip from my friend's glass. Well, I think it tasted good but not so sure it is great.... hahahaa.....


  1. the paku pakis looks special, never been to kampar before but i think some curry chicken bun is kinda famous over there?

  2. No chicken biscuit? Kampar's famous for those...handmade ones and you can see the fingerprints in the biscuits. Eyewwww!!!!! LOL!!!

  3. Love all the dishes except the croaky porridge. I am coffee lover and must have a cup of hot coffee in the morning to boost up my day.

  4. i wish you also share a picture of that place now so i could compare
    but anyways, that crispy fishball was very yummy

  5. I'm rather curious about that dumpling.

  6. Ken: yes, famous for their curry chicken bread...

    stp: hahaa..yeah i know which one u meant...

  7. sharon: i agree with u....

    irene: i dont know to enjoy

  8. mecoy: yeah, i wish i had taken more pictures!

    wenn: kok chai dumpling! :)

  9. Aww...but now Kampar is quite happening o. Hangouts for youngsters from the newbie college and university. :p

  10. The crispy fried fish balls look nice. What? only 10 cents each? Dead cheap.

  11. all looks yummy except the dumpling! lol i prefer the fried one! >.<

  12. Simple but tasty food! I am interested in the dumpling because I do not like those with translucent skin but prefer those that look like this.

  13. Why is the porridge croaky...does it have frog in it?

  14. tekkaus: yes.. students happening there.. :) I thought the fish balls would have increased by now.. but I think if increased, then not so laku already..

    henry: those were yesteryears.. young people might not like.. hahaha...

  15. mun: translucent skins have the springy feel... this type is the normal feel.. hahaha..

    ginny: u r right!!! :)

  16. i guess Kampar now is still pretty the same as the 1990s huh?? anyway, that's not important, important thing is that i love those fried balls and the dumplings!! fuyoh, so delicious lah!!!

  17. sk: then u must make a trip there to try out all.. hahaha..

  18. must go there one of these days and try out the paku there

  19. Haven't been to Kampar, though it's not far from Taiping, hehe~

  20. kathy: you must! Let me know if you want me to guide u.. hahaa..

    hayley: er.. it will be hour and a half.. quite far actually..

  21. I am a coffee lover and hardcore addict!!

    Hey, that paku pakis with peanuts really caught my eyes. I love that!!!

  22. TM: then you must go Kampar... :)

  23. With the NS Hiway we have 'missed' Kampar for donkey years.

  24. The dumpling is like 'chai kuay'? Must be nice & yummy

  25. Poor legless frogs haha but one or two can jump quite high

  26. Bananaz: Yes, I guess many of us bypass Kampar ever since got highway...


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....