Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Seeds Of Love From Singapore

During the time I was down with shingles, I was on four days medical leave. I remember receiving a call from a lady, she mentioned something like this.. "Hello, I am calling from .........(I couldn't hear clearly then)  I think I was quite drowsy then... and I thought she must be a salesperson calling randomly.... so I just intervened and told her that I was not free at that moment and hung up the phone.  My nap was interrupted...

Then the next day, I received a call again from an unknown number....  This time I was not so drowsy and she said she was calling from Eu Yan Sang..... First thing that came to my mind was my member card has expired?  See how I jumped into conclusions?  I thought of cutting short the call again... then she continued that her staff will be delivering a gift to my house.... she continued that she has called me the previous day but I have hung up before she could say anything... (oh oh..... )  She thought she has called the wrong number... (oh dear, my fault!)
Anyway, the gifts arrived right to my doorstep 
within half hour after the phone call....
Thank you, Aaron for sending "The Seeds of Love"...
Love you very much!!
Hope Mama here will be "rejuvenated"
and become healthier and "vibrant-er".soon!!  :)


  1. Thro' Facebook come to your blog, nice Blog!!
    (Clicked on your NN adverts) ✿◕‿◕✿

  2. aiyoh, so sweet and so good boy lah.. sure mama if not rejuvenated and healthier, at least sure sweet until the bottom of the heart with saliva overflowing out from her mouth~~ muahahahahaha :D

  3. first commenter: thank you!

    sk: u really understand me.. hahaha..

  4. well i often jump to conclusion too
    i has this tendency of overthinking haha

  5. Aww.. this is so sweet! You've done a great job Claire, to raise such filial kids. I'd do anything to have kids like yours. Get well soon yeah..

  6. Wenn got a very sweet gal, and you got a very sweet son!

  7. Aaron is so thoughtful, you are one lucky mum, God Bless!

  8. Your son is so thoughtful and he cares for you so much. You must be feeling so loved. :)

  9. Aaron is such a thoughtful boy! You are so blessed! Stay healthy, Claire!

  10. What a wonderful son, would make some lucky girl a perfect husband. Wink! Wink!

  11. Aiyor!!! Singapore, the English also like Malaysia kah? "Sewing" the seeds of love... Eyewwww!!!!

  12. You are so blessed to have such a sweet & thoughtful son. Lucky mum. Take care & stay healthy.

  13. Thank you all... we are blessed in one way or another... all of us are...

    stp: Not from Singapore la.. it is from the company and I think there is a special meaning there in "Sewing"... and not "Sowing"... otherwise they wont put this sign "......" there...

  14. Nice and thoughtful gift all the way from Singapore.

  15. Very sweet and heart warming!

    Sure can recover very soon la!

  16. aww...that's so sweet of Aaron.

    Speedy recovery, ok dear.

  17. Ah yes, Claire!!! Now I see the "quotation marks"...not very observant...and the background like tampung seribu/patchwork quilt. They obviously have a special meaning then.

  18. Stp: only Eu Yan Sang can verify the meaning.... :) so wink wink how? No progress? Haha...

    Ling: treasure our kids... No matter how stressful at times we face.. :)

    Thank you... Yes, we as parents feel the extra bonus when our kids treat us nice and good...

  19. What a lucky mama to have loving kids!!

  20. That's so thoughtful, especially from a boy! Take care, my dear!


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....