Tuesday, September 17, 2013

And The Answer Is.... Arrival And Departure At Changi Airport

WE ARE BACK!!! Phewww....

A short vacation on Saturday till Tuesday... 4 days of relaxation down south...

OK, now I am back, the answer to my previous post here is now to be revealed... (Someone commented "oooiiiii, why no answer yet!)  LOL...  Someone is getting impatient because his answer is not only correct, he was the first commenter in that post... and not only that, he also sounded very 100% that he was right!  Well, I really cannot deny that... he IS indeed correct... I LEFT MY HANDPHONE AT HOME!  Of all things... how forgetful and careless.... sigh...

And for those who got them correct, they are.... TM, Small Kucing, SK and STP!  Sorry, Bananz, cannot put "all of the above one"... you really made me laugh over your comment..  hahahahaa....  

Some of the guesses I received were phone charger, oxygen tank aka broadband, make up kit, lipstick, old flower glasses and one said panties!  hahahaaa....  really... so serious!

Well, since there are only 4 of you who guessed correctly, you will expect something small from me soon... as for the others, I appreciate you coming by to join in and hope you will continue to do so!

Game for another guess-away fun?

When I came home, I was looking high and low for my hp... told my girl to ring it... no sound from within the house... WANNA GUESS WHERE I LEFT IT?  One tip... the HP was within the home compound and not anywhere else away from the house....

 Arrival at the Changi Airport....
Departing at Terminal 2 at Changi Airport...

oh, by the way, to be fair, can comment many times but one answer per comment..  hahahaaa.... Guessaway closes at 9pm tomorrow night... Small prize given away for fun....


  1. no wonder cannot reach you. want to belanja big big also cannot... lol

  2. Congratz to the winners. Welcome back. From your smiling face, I can tell you have a great time. When is your next trip again?.

  3. oooiiiii Bananaz also korek mah said all of the above hehe

  4. Congratz to the winner will be getting a luck prize, a new iPhone5C from Reana haha

  5. haha, really you really left your handphone?? i just made a wild guess.. and i think i feel very uncomfortable if i left my handphone somewhere, haha!!

    wow, thanks in advanced, i shall wait for your gifts, hehe!! and so excited you are giving another guessing game?? hmmm, maybe you left your handphone inside your JAMBAN?? :D

  6. chris: tai chak kong.. LOL!!!

    irene: not so fast.. hahaha.. rest my weary bones first...

  7. bananaz: oh you too!!! Sori man... I overlooked yours then!! OK, I add in now!! hahahaa...

    sk: ok, so you guessed jamban!! hahahaa.. alright!

  8. Left your phone in the toilet ? :D

  9. bananaz: you really made me laugh over your comment.. cannot put all the above la.. like that also can?? hahahahaa....

  10. really yr hp? I thought without phone charger is serious enough. Anyway, thanks to the winners!
    now, where did you put it? let me guess. I suppose it's behind your sofa.

  11. Wenn: yes firstbtime i forgot to take my phone for trip....

    Brencia: thanks for guessing..

    Ken: imaginative...

  12. I was going to say your phone, then changed my answer, oh well congratulations to the winners!!! I guess your HP was in the car! I am loving these games!!!

  13. Wahhhhh!!!! All four? Not lucky draw, pick one kah?

  14. You left it on your shoe rack/cabinet outside the house.

  15. Ginny: You nearly got it, yes, the last time.. thanks for guessing this time.. :)

    stp: Noted...

  16. Hmmm, let me make a guess, hidden in the sofa, hehe...

  17. My guess is at the sofa.

  18. Oh dear...is a phone. Not too bad compared to ur laptop, Claire.

  19. irene: ok..noted..

    ling: no guesses?

    agnes: why most of you put toilet one? :)

  20. Shoe rack when you getting your shoes.

  21. aiya..salah kah? Can I have another guess?

  22. in your micro wave oven. Early morning you phoned in the toilet then jatuh inside toilet bowl, washed it then dry it in microwave oven but forgotten about it when you left the house...muahahahaha.

  23. agnes: noted..

    bananaz: you can be a director in Chow Sing Chi movie la!! hahahaa...

  24. Lol...giod answer mah bananaz. Sure will kena correct one.

  25. Aiya, I am too late to guess this one.

  26. I also traveled often like you and usually have a check list while packing as the most scary things to forget is Mobile phone, Passport and Flight booking papers! I have made U-Turns home before!

    I could smell what you left behind!! Muahahahahahaha I won! I won! Yay!

  27. kathy: yeah lo.. never thought of that too!

    mun: no worries.. small token only.. hehehe..

    TM: yeah, i wonder why you are so sure of the answer also.. macam got sixth sense!

  28. Congrats to the winners.

    And aiyoh. I would feel something missing if I left my phone at home while on vacation.

    And my guess (for the fun of it) is on the dressing table in your bedroom. lol.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...