Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Joy And Fun In Orchard Road, Singapore

The second day of our trip was a Sunday. Aaron took us to his church Agape Methodist around Jurong area and introduced his pastors and friends to us. It was indeed heartwarming to know them and we had a nice time worshiping in a Singapore church for the first time.

After our church service, we proceeded to Jurong East Mall (JEM) where I met up with Sharon from Somewhere in Singapore... I think I have posted about that, right? LOL.. Oh well.... to proceed on our day, during the evening we came out again to meet up with Pastor Leslie and his lovely wife... that also for the first time I had dinner with a Pastor on the same table! LOL.. Everything seems to be the first time happening in Singapore!
 Taken in front of Happy Famiy Restaurant...
Looks like my family are "oversized" here... LOL..
Appreciate both Pastor and Wife for taking time off
to join us for a Fun & Laughter dinner... 

With full stomachs, we decided to walk from Novena to Orchard Road! 
Imagine that... these Malaysians Boleh!  Really can walk!!
Along Orchard Road, people having fun...
Line Dancing.. 
Does this happen in KL?
If I could, I would.... 
This is fun!  De-stressing!
Then it is our turn to have fun!
Taking pictures in front of Ngee Ann shopping Mall...
Soon... a Father and Son joined us too...
Asked us to take their picture... 
We too have our family picture taken....
And suddenly Papa Singh wanted to join in the album too!
Boleh lah!
We have Joy, We have Fun...
Soon it was time for us to Run...
A night is not complete without......


  1. Having a short walk after a heavy dinner is good :D Probably its safer to perform in Singapore than Malaysia, crime rate is higher here :x

  2. LoL that's the BEST photobomb ever! I showed my mom and she was laughing herself silly at that pic.. hahahahah!

  3. A lot of fun and joy. Night life. No pix of the food. Shy want to take photo. Wow, you have got new friend (Singh).

  4. Wow, what an amazing time, and so nice of the Pastor and his wife. They must like Aaron very much.

  5. Apuuuuu!!!! No new addition to the family from Singapore, got one from India instead. Muahahahahaha!!!!

  6. I saw ppl doing line dancing in Ipoh before, if not mistaken, ipoh parade, but that is some times ago. haha, the cute Mr. Singh.

  7. I can see that the folks in the republic are very stressed these days with the high cost of living and kiasu culture. No wonder my aged cousins and relatives even go jogging in the streets at 10pm. Gila!

    Thank you sooooooo much for the gift. It was truly an unexpected surprise!!! Kam Sia! Kam Sia!

  8. ken: that is for sure...

    merryn: your laughter!!

  9. kathy: why Kaldip?

    irene: dont be jeles!! :p

  10. ginny: yes, his pastor likes him a lot.. takes care of him too!

    stp: he is getting famous now... why never mention the rest?

  11. rose: yes..tourists like us!

    andrew: not on the streets though.. i mean pathway on busy roads..

  12. TM: now you are making me paiseh... hey, jogging on the street at 10pm shows that their country is very safe and peaceful!! Dare we do that here? oh no....

  13. fuyoh, that Papa Singh must be attracted by Claire so much that he pretend pretend to ask to take photographs, then later joined into your family photo!! muahahaha.. Claire, didn't expect you got "yim yu" in Singapore woh!! :D

  14. Did Mr Singh ask for your contact to keep in touch? Hehe ...

  15. Wah really boleh! Novena to Orchard berapa jauh?

  16. sk: what is yimyu??? hey, dont play play!

    sharon: secret!! hehee

    medie: er... i think 20-25? forgotten liow... also forgot whether take mrt or not.. macam tak ada la.. hahaha...

  17. Looks like you sure had lots of fun in Singapore. Can't wait to see the desserts you all had after that.

  18. cre8tone: Singapore is always around.. :)

    mun: Singapore is fine but expensive to us.. :)

  19. I love singapore too but I haven't got the chance to stay there yet. I will usually stay in JB and cross-over to Sg.

  20. wenn, next time perhaps you stay one night and experience the night life there.. :)

  21. Claire...the best photo bomb ever. Siu sei ngor

  22. I just noticed the Benggali Singh's turban is so huge! He must be from Punjab.


Thank you, readers!

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