Friday, October 18, 2013

Bonding With Love One In Tammy's Kitchen

It was around noon when I left the hospital holding my medical report in my hand. Thank God for the "nice" papsmear report, a checkup which is advised by the gynae to be done at least once a year.

My appetite was on a "high mode" by noon.... saving the space in the stomach for a good lunch with Andy!  I purposely took a light breakie in the morning, just Two mugs of instant oats only... *grin* ... Went home to fetch Andy and off we went for our first proper meal of the day.... Tammy's Kitchen!

Andy has never been here before .... unlike his sister, he can adjust to any kind of food as long as it is edible!  I like to go for food hunting with him anytime!!
Here we are... Tammy's Kitchen
We were the first customers of the day!  
 The chicken pie came out within ten minutes....
Tammy is famous for her pastries...
Being greedy for more, I ordered one more pastry....
 Ham and Sausage Quiche... 
I love the Balsamic sauce over the salad..
The chunks of meat embedded.... 
The price is quite reasonable... RM12.90
Andy opted for set lunch which comes with 
a mushroom soup, chicken soup and lemon ice tea...
Our first meal of the day.... 
Isn't this a beautiful sight? 
I mean ..just watching your love one enjoying his meal is satisfying enough... 


  1. The quiche looks good! Generous filling too :)

  2. First customer of the day? Got anything special for you guys? :p

  3. Ken: yes, but i cannot finish one whole piece :)

    Hayley: only faster service... Hahaha

  4. Yes, agreed that it is nice to watch loved ones enjoying their meals.

  5. It IS beautiful!!!! And even more beautiful is you and your boy eating together.This looks like an American place, is it? I adore pot pie!!!! So glad for your good report! That is one good thing abut getting old, we do not need the PAPS as often.

  6. What a great meal and nice mother- son bonding time. All looks so tempting. Like the chicken pie.

  7. That's a nice looking pie! I love short crust!

    Ya, I'm not fussy about food either - that's why we're so big, strong and tall. Hehehehehehe!!!!!

  8. nice woh.. i love the chicken pie and also the quiche.. hmmm, first photo Andy looks a bit confused staring at the pie, second photo he doesn't care at all and just happy wallop the food not even realized the mommy snapped a photo of him!! haha~~ :D

  9. We so far away, if not, we can go food hunting... hehe....

  10. Mun: we like to see them properly fed ..not fat... Haha

    Ginny: at least once a year....

  11. Mun: we like to see them properly fed ..not fat... Haha

    Ginny: at least once a year....

  12. Irene: like the pastry...

    Stp: as we grow older, we are more particular... That is why young time, eat more

  13. sk: yes..yes!! oblivious of those around him... hahaa...

    sharon: ipoh is famous for food but to me, I have difficulty finding food.. :p

  14. it's great to have bonding time with our kids. I'm happy for you. All your kids are so good.

  15. Glad to know that your medical report is ok. That's why you are so happy until makan a lot. :D

  16. Lau Hau Sui jor, Claire. I haven't had lunch yet.

  17. The Ham and Sausage Quiche is a very unique combo to me. It looks delicious and appetizing.

    Ipoh seems to be very famous with many shops selling excellent pastries besides Maria's and this one. You have posted and shared many others. I love them.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...