Sunday, October 6, 2013

Houston Cafe With Angela And Yin Pheng

One of my ex-classmates sent me a message through FB one night... I was so glad that she wanted to meet me before she leaves for Kuala Lumpur and after that, Sydney... She had missed the two gatherings earlier and she has not seen for the same number of years, ie. 36 years!! LOL... When I saw her pictures in FB, I really couldn't recall much... and that increases my curiousity!

So the next day I arranged to have a lunch meeting with her and I suggested Houston Cafe in town.... And she was already there when I arrived, thanks to her sister who brought her there... 
Hi Angela... Thanks for making the effort to meet up after all these years!
And when it comes to food, they allow me to do the ordering...
And I hope they enjoyed these dishes....
Assam curry fish head... 
Clams (lala) with ginger and spring onions....
Kerabu mango!
Their signature Fried Beancurd with Salted Eggs....
The lunch come with complimentary soup....
and the bill came to RM68
Too bad we did not have a much longer time to catch with...
So much to catch up and so little time....
But I am very happy to meet up with my "young friends" again!
Hope we will have another opportunity to  get together real soon...
Thanks Angela and YP!
I had a Great Time that day!!


  1. So cheap. Nice food with good company. I like the assam curry fish head. Have a great time.

  2. Golden mates! Nice.

    It is always great to catch up with old friends over a great meal. The tab is pretty cheap considering you have ordered fish and lala.

  3. irene: Yes, I like the curry too.. but cannot take much...

    rose: I think the price is quite reasonable..

  4. Kum lan chi mui.

    Yum yum kerabu mango

  5. Always good to meet old, I mean young, friends! I haven't seen some of my old classmates for years!

    Although I do the the closer ones every CNY when we go back to the hometown.

    The kerabu mango looks good! I've been wanting to make that myself.

  6. Kathy: the mango should be 'younger'....

    Hb: i think your will be much tastier.. U r such a good cook!

  7. Bet your friend enjoyed the food. Everything looks soooo good and besides, even if she can get such food in Sydney, it may not be so authentic...and of course, it would be sooooo expensive.

  8. Lala with spring onions is something unique here, normally they either steam the Lala or cook with soup/ curry, at least not too common here in Penang, not too sure about Ipoh though :p

  9. Stp: hope she comes back to ipoh for more... Haha

    Ken: over here there are few styles of cooking...steamed, stir fry or soupy based..

  10. Must be nice to catch up with young friends, hehe. Good price for the food. I would like to try the fried bean curd with salted egg. Must be quite tasty.

  11. What a nice surprise! And they were very lucky to have you order for them, as you always know the best food everywhere!

  12. mun: not bad.. it came out fresh and hot..

    ginny: not everytime.. hahaha..

  13. sharon: me too.. i like them once awhile..

  14. wow, meeting up with each other after 36 years!! that is something so amazing.. and i guess they have been following your blog?? else they won't trust you to take the orders for the food huh?? BTW, nice ones, i love the clams and mango kerabu :p

  15. sk: ipoh nang ma.. so have to trust.. hahaha...

  16. Yummy food with good friends! What a lovely life you have!
    The curry is my favourite.

  17. TM: Lovely when it is all about food.. and wonderful when one wakes up feeling no creaking of bones.. hahaha..

  18. Now i feel like buying lala and cook! hehehe

  19. Weekend first, Ling..... hahaha...

  20. It's always nice to me up our ex-school mates. Keep it up, Claire!


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....