Thursday, October 3, 2013

I Call These Grace Food...

For the past one week or so, I felt like I have been running around like a "mother hen"... pecking here and there... Friends who knew what I had been doing for this period of time told me that my life was pretty "hectic" and it dawned upon me that I actually did not really sit down and relax myself...

The whole two weeks were so "mixed".... some days were filled with gladness and there were some days with sadness....   Yes, as the saying goes, Life is filled with UPs and DOWNs... sometimes happy and joyful and at times stressful and full of worries. 

However, life has to go on no matter what... there is always a solution... when you believe...

And I believe that I have been "fed" good each day... and below proves it so.... 
Some varieties shared among five of us....
with an individual bowl of mixed noodles....
A closer angle... I love all of these..
The shop is called Chun Toong (if not mistaken) along Jalan Bijeh Timah....
For 5 bowls of noodles and this big bowl, it cost RM24.00
For lunch, I stuffed myself with a wholemeal coconut bun 
bought from Kampar Bread Shop along the same road..
It cost RM1.50... very nice and fresh... 
Ended with a kiwi fruit and a mug of oats....
For dinner, I went to Jaya Jusco to satisfy myself with Baskin Robbins...
It was Pink Day... I paid RM9.90 for 8 small scoops of ice cream with waffle..
But I was not very satisfied with the mini scoops..
I think I will not go for this promotion anymore... 
I prefer to have a big scoop in the cup without the waffle... 
Big scoops are definitely tastier!


  1. Claire, I think next time when I have bad days, I'll run to you. Hope your blessings there overflow to me :D You actually make me feel better to know that I'm not the only one running around like a headless chicken but my good friend, too....haha. Let's keep praying, singing, eating and smiling :D

  2. That bowl of varities looks tempting and definitely I love BR. It has just recently opened a branch in Kuching. Heard that it is expensive.

  3. just mini scoops? definitely not satisfying for me too! I must go eat BR one day!

  4. I scream for ice cream, used to scream but not so much now

  5. Wow! Yummy food! You are making me hungry!! As for BR, I normally don't go for the waffles. In fact, i have yet to try those waffles haha!

  6. Gosh! I've never seen such a huge bowl of yong tau foo!

  7. I'd call the ice cream sinful food! Muahahahahahaha!!!!!

  8. Really feed up with all those good food and dessert.

    Yaloh, should go for the normal big scoop. Once a while indulge in those desserts is alright. Give yourself a break!

  9. mary: Bee Gees has this song... "Run to me.. whenever you're lonely.. run to me if you need a shoulder..." but I dont think you need to do both.. hahahaha...

    irene: You go on any 31st day of the month and you will get 31% off the tubs... :)

  10. wenn: yes, not satisfying at all.. i wont go for that promosi again.. :p

    bananaz: now no more like ice cream because you had screamed too much? :)

  11. foongpc: the Cold Stone waffle is much nicer.. this one is a bit hard..

    shirley: for Five people.. hahaha..

  12. stp: Grace because we ought to be thankful whatever is laid on the table.. so much food provided.. i am indeed very grateful...

    rose: well said... now i can carry on eating and ordering what i like.. hahaha...

  13. wah, another post that makes me drool lor.. you kind of like have a three course meal, though actually taken during different timing, haha!! that bread and kiwi as appetiser, the noodles and that hell-lot-delicious YTF as the main dish, and finally the BR Happy 8 ice cream as the desserts.. really know how to "taan" (enjoy) life~~

  14. oh, you don't like the mini scoops meh?? i like it because can have a taste of everything at once, how greedy i am huh?? hehehe.. next time just go for the two usual scoops one lor, i think cheaper also right?? :)

  15. The yong tau foo looks promising, i like those QQ fish balls but didn't like those deep fried items, they tend to make the soup oilier :p

  16. When i have bad days, i will go Ipoh, hehe...

  17. The mixed noodles would be for me, they look so good!! Sweet Claire, what are you sad about?

  18. sk: the mini scoops ah..too little to enjoy the flavour... macam not rasa-ing anything.. maybe me tamak! :)

    ken: this fried fried not so oily like the others.. next time u try..

  19. sharon: hehehe.. but yours always good days!! :)

    ginny: well.. next time I tell u.. one fine day.. :p

  20. Good morning Claire, good to see you counting your blessings. Having the ability to enjoy eating food is a blessing too I agree. Hope the sad days will.not dampened your spirit and appetite. Have a nice day!

  21. I misss the breakfast with you guys ;(

  22. Mun: yes, I also hope not!

    elin: very soon you will be home.. not to worry!

  23. 5 of you feasted and paid just RM24.00!!! So cheap leh!

    Hey I like the way you eat bread, ice cream and almost anything can make you easily happy!!! Long Live Claire!

  24. TM: Thank you! Long Live TM too!! hahahaa...

    kathy: want this one? bookmark?


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...