Thursday, November 14, 2013

Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart

Wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside my balcony .... they sing the same old song each morning...
Oh, I could hide 'neath the wings
Of the bluebird as she sings.
The six o'clock alarm would never ring.
But six rings and I rise,
Wipe the sleep out of my eyes.
My cleanser's cold and it stings....
(Can anyone tell me the name of this song?)

Each morning once I put my legs on the floor, the very first thing I do is to give Thanks and Praise that I can still wake up alive and kicking to a brand new day!  Give a smile...... 
hmmmm.... today is Chee Cheong Fun for breakfast....
Another thanks to be praised for food laid on the table...
(Illustrated picture)
With full energy, it is time to work...
Thanks for having a job..... 
Come lunch time... 
it is a mug of oats with bun with an "O" in the middle...
Thanks again....
Dinner is a must.... Mama's place...
Giving Thanks!! 
Something I love to look forward to.... 
A time to give Thanks and Praise...

I wrote the above not because they happened today.... I write for a reason to remind myself that there are a lot I should be thankful for.....I must not complain, I must not fret... this is the day that God has made... we should rejoice and be glad in it... Give Thanks in all circumstance...Reanaclaire.....


  1. Woah so many mussels in the vege, lucky you!

  2. Yes you're right, we have many things to feel thankful for.

    Cherish everyday!

  3. Yes, always give thanks & praise to the Lord each passing day. Praise the Lord.

  4. Daydream Believer!!!! Got prize or not?

  5. Pasal lagu, sure I tak kalah one...old or new, no problem!

    Yes, give thanks for every little thing we are blessed with, even on an uneventful day. Whatever it may be, we should always give thanks that we are alive and well.

    Too many spend their time complaining about every little thing under the sun - most of which will not change even if they moan and groan till kingdom come. The only thing that is sure to result is they not only make themselves depressed and miserable, even angry...but also everyone around them, friends and family alike. I wouldn't want to be in the company of the likes of these.

  6. ken: er.. i think they are called snippets? or something like that? :p

    Hayley: yes!!!

  7. irene: Amen!!

    stp: you sangat hebatla!!! Got.. come Ipoh, I belanja you makan chicken koay teow! hahahaa...

  8. STP: Yes, point taken... I dare not say about others cos I also used to complain and groan too... now I try not to... always look on the positive side of things instead of making ourselves miserable..

  9. you are right!! we should be thankful everyday that we are alive and kicking to a brand new day!! appreciate what we have got as we are a lot more fortunate than many people in this earth that do not even have their chance to enjoy basic necessity..

    plus, look at all the GOOD FOOD you have!! even i also feel jeles~~ :D

  10. Sometimes might complain here, complain, there, but come to think of it, should give thanks as there are people out there who are less fortune...

  11. One thing i give thank now is that i got to know you, hehe...

  12. P.S.:
    Those pacific clams (I think that is what they're called)! So many in that dish in your photo. Very nice, very abalone...but I think they've high cholesterol content, right or not? Use a few at a time for the sweetness when frying vegetables, slice thinly...should be fine. Sorry, so kay-po. Old people like that lah. Hehehehehehehe!!!!

  13. food very foon foo leh. I love the dishes :)

  14. sk: hahaha.. don't always look at my good food.. i think Malaysians are still very blessed in a way.. if not for the high crime rates...

    sharon: memang nice looking! :)

  15. sharon: what a nice thing to say.. thank you.. yes, surely you will get to eat the IPOH famous food!

    stp: my mom used the whole tin cos it is going to expire!! hahahaa.. anyway, my mom concept is.. once it is opened, must finish it all.. :)

    kathy: mama cooking is always abundant.. :)

  16. Claire, at a glance I thought u were teaching in a class. ada gaya cikgu!

  17. Your mum's exactly like me then. Tak tahan see anything already open sitting there in the fridge or elsewhere, must quickly finish one. LOL!!!

    So you can guess who will finish all those packets or boxes of cookies that my missus or my girl opens and stuffs inside some Tupperware and leaves them there. I guess that explains my shape and size... Hehehehehe!!!!

  18. Ling: a Bogus teacher, hor? hahaha...

    stp: No prize for guessing who, right? hahahaha... normally for my case, whatever cookies I cannot finish, I will pass them all to my 4 legged family member! (All except chocolates!) LOL...

  19. yes....we have to appreciate and be happy with what we have in life. Be thankful.

    Your lunch with a cup of oats and doughnut, enuf ? haha

  20. mnhl: For lunch, memang enough.. hahaha...

  21. I love your post. I also want to give thanks and count my blessings everyday.


Thank you, readers!

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