Monday, November 18, 2013

Kicking My Addiction

Not feeling too good during the weekend, I think I ate too much "kacang puteh" ... very addictive snack that is kept in my bedroom. Learn a lesson, it is NOT advisable to put any snacks in the room, it will trigger off obesity, attract ants (aiksss!) and eating non-stop these heaty snacks will make one poorer because of the doctor's fees...
Hope no one follows my bad example of putting snacks in the room.  I definitely forbid my kids to do that when they were young but now when they are not around, I am the one who loves to "munch, munch" while watching my favourite TV show... Enjoyment, I call it ... until I get the "heat"...

Quickly I took out the Sandoz from the fridge and dissolve the "50 sen" Vitamin C into a glass of water.... 
Well, don't think this might not work... it certainly helps to "cool" my body down....
Not to worry if it triggers off stomach upset... normal... 
It is good to "release" the heat into the toilet bowl... (Gross!)
At the same time, I also take fresh fruits such as the Grapefruit...
Normally I buy 5 at one time..RM2 for each...
I feel it is worth taking one fruit per day than buying a packet of snack, right?


  1. Kiwis are good too, they are quite "cooling", packed with vitamins either :D

  2. Lesson learned. Those junks are very addictive. Once you start munching, it will never end, like keropok with acar. Better to spend on fruits than junks.

  3. Oh dear, I love snacking too! But I'm more disciplined; I don't keep them in my room. Lol! I enjoy keropok & ice-creams!!

  4. Ken: yes, kiwis are also sold at rm2 each... my fruit stall prices here are expensive..

    irene: true, true.. I have to kick the junkie habit.. hahaha...

  5. shirley: Good idea, I think I go for ice cream instead!

  6. hehehehe, last time will buy snacks and hide inside cupboard and eat secretly, cannot let parents know..

    still doing it now though more openly lah.. yeah, i agree it's not good.. but then i mostly buy some biscuits so that i can munch a bit when i feel hungry.. buy those in small packets lah, one packet finished you know you should stop.. one whole tub like that you will never know how much you have eaten leh~~

  7. Heat plus high uric acid content = gout attack. No more snacks! Eat healthily and in moderation.

  8. Definitely agree with your remark about eating fruits everyday. I always eat 1 green apple, 1 red apple and an orange everyday.

  9. sk: good idea but then ah, there are only certain biscuits I like.. those packet packet ones, normally I dont like... :p

    stp: i think you dont take junk food, right? yeah, I must kick the habit...

    mun: wow.. 3 fruits per day? I only take one and sometimes none.. i better start changing..

  10. I think I am guilty of munching in front of TV too! Grapefruit- favorite too!

  11. Haha I am also like you, addicted to kacang putih! The good and bad thing is over here, seldom can see them being sold, and it's expensive! Around $4-5 per packet!! So indirectly will not eat too much also.. haha

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  13. I try to control buying tibits when go supermarket, but sometimes can't resist the temptation...

    Nowadays, i eat fruits every morning before taking breakfast...

  14. Elaine: high 5!

    meiyee: next time i bring for you! I charge u cheaper.. hahaha...

    sharon: very good habit, eh.. eating fruits in the morning...

  15. Claire, I thought grapefruit is way too sourish, isnt it? I remember had it the first time and I never wanted to buy again.

  16. Goodness! You sounded like a monkey eating peanuts non stop! LMAO!
    The best way to cool down from this heaty infection is to drink coconut water for 3 days!

  17. hahah i thought why you say have to kick out of the room

  18. Take care of your health for the sake of your children!!

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  20. kathy: if dont take out, every night will be temptation.. hahaha...

    anonymous: Yes, Sir/Madam!!

  21. Ling: buy the good ones.. very sweet.. but cost a bit more..

    TM: serious? Ok, tomorrow i start!!


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....