Saturday, November 23, 2013

Preliminary Round In Sweet Hut

On our way home from our "all-noodles" dinner as published in my previous post, my sister invited me to have some desserts... She said that it would be her early birthday treat for me... (ahemmm)  Well, she certainly knows I wouldn't want to reject the offer, she knows me very well that I will love something sweet after a savoury meal....

And so here we are... at a newly opened Dessert Shop called Sweet Hut (or is it Sweet Heart?)   A first time visit for the five of us....   
Nice friendly young staff to service us with their welcoming smiles upon entering...
 Someone is going to post this for her FB, I am sure..
Cranberry Cheesecake... very nice.... better than the SR, I would say...
I ordered Lemon Mille Crepe...very nice too!
(at least something sourish to neutralize my full stomach)
My mama wanted to try their almond black sesame dessert... 
She and I shared the big bowl... yumms!
cos to our delight, the almond taste turns the youngsters off...
Mama also ordered these... 
Look what my camera did to the desserts!
Either too bright or too dark...
Black Sesame Mua Chee... a bit sweet.. but it suits me fine...
Thanks for the treat, Sis... 
"As for my birthday gift, it would be great 
if you could get me this pair of shoes in Ezra...
They are really what I am looking for....
and er... I think it will be a perfect gift for me...Sis
Thank you!"
My mama and I have our birth dates just one week apart...
So each year, we normally have a double celebration... 
Anyway, this is just a Preliminary stage... 
More Big Feast to come.... er... I Hope!!  LOL....

Sweet Hut Ipoh
68, Persiaran Greentown 1
Greentown Business Park
31350 Ipoh


  1. I like their coconut desserts!

  2. wow so many desserts.....the crepe look nice :)

  3. Happy Birthday to you & mom in advance. Desserts looks good but remember just take in moderation. That is your nephew, rite? So slim now and the lady with spectacles, your niece. Just my wild guess.

  4. ken: there's a branch in Penang?

    孤傲的王子 : yes, I hope to try out other crepes some day...

    irene: you are very observant! Thank you, thank you!!

  5. Wishing you and your mother happy birthday in advance!

  6. I want to see the shoes if you get them, and on your feet, too!

  7. Sweet birthday treats!!! I had some also here...on your behalf. Hehehehehe!!!! Happy birthday!

  8. there are quite a number of Sweet Hut around Klang Valley area, but paiseh ah, i have not been to any before, muahaha!! oh, really?? their cakes are better than SR (in your opinion)?? hmmm, like that can really go and try woh~~ :)

  9. Awww....mother and daughter celebration. :D

  10. Here in KL I always bring visitors to eat at Sweet Hut because I love the desserts very much! Look at my size now! Muahahahaha


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....