Sunday, November 24, 2013

Rare Treat At Hokkaido Japanese Cuisine

Come Saturday evening, I was given a yummy treat in Hokkaido here in Ipoh!  No need to travel all the way to Japan to taste Hokkaido food... hahahaaa...

Upon entering, we were asked whether we made a reservation... oh, oh., we didn't... but to our delight, there was one more empty table left for us.... phew.... and without much ado, we did our ordering because I was feeling very hungry by then...

To divert attention from hunger, we took some pictures....
My "Treaters"
Someone's favourite.... cannot be missed out...
Kim Chi Fried Rice... nice... very appetizing!
Rainbow Roll...
Cucumber Roll...
Scallops in skewers...
Salmon Teriyaki
And the total cost is RM115.30 plus tax...

Well, it is very rare that I get a treat like this...
Must truly appreciate the food... to the very last drop... 


  1. Today I am first! ;)

    I miss Japanese food la! The beans are my favorite!!

  2. Those scallops look good! Happy Birthday again :D

  3. Your kids are now paying you back for the many times you have taken them out to dinner! This place looks good, kind of fancy, and I see they have some Christmas decorations out, I like the deer who is watching you! Perhaps he wants some of that food!

  4. Birthday treats?? Though am not a Japanese food lover but the above looks good. What is that green thing?

  5. Who is that lengchai? Future SIL?

    Happy belated birthday claire :)

  6. Yes, who's that handsome boy? Fernie's boy kah? Gee! They look alike!!! They say that's jodoh... :D

  7. Wahhhh!!!! SIL so sayang MIL, take photo also sit so close one. Muahahahahaha!!!! Andy didn't come home for your birthday?

  8. Wow, the foods really makes me drooling, Japanese foods, my favourite, hehe...

  9. Looks like you had a nice feast.

  10. wow, nice nice!! i especially love that fried rice and the grilled scallop, so delicious even only looking at the photo..

    errr, if i am not wrong, "nama hotate kushiyaki" means grilled fresh scallop on skewers and not salmon~~ :)

  11. My pick will go to the Scallops! SK is right, Hotate is scallop in Japanese :)

  12. Happy Birthday Claire...from HB and I.

    Stay healthy and young always.

    Glad to hear you have good treats over the weekend. How come I didn't see you blowing off a candle..hehe

  13. Hayley: yes, u r first...

    Ken: thanks!!

    Mun: once awhile nice la...

  14. Ginny: u r very observant...

    Irene: green peas? Haha not sure of name but we like it...

    Kathy: thank u!!

  15. Ginny: u r very observant...

    Irene: green peas? Haha not sure of name but we like it...

    Kathy: thank u!!

  16. Stp: u and kat very observant leh... Andy dint come back but i went to him... Lol.

    Sharon: now u must write down...

  17. Stp: u and kat very observant leh... Andy dint come back but i went to him... Lol.

    Sharon: now u must write down...

  18. Patty: indeed we had..thanks..

    Sk: thanks for pointing that out... I referred to my bill and seemed i had them mixed up...

    Shirley: thanks for letting me know... So sorry for the mixed up... Blurry me! :)

  19. Hello Reana,
    Happy! Think those are called endamame

  20. So yummy food treats by your kids! I love the rainbow and cucumber rolls - unique looking!


Thank you, readers!

Visit to Secret Tunnel, Penang

DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS CALLED SECRET TUNNEL.... Maybe they got the name from up north, Thailand cos the food served are mostly Thai food.....