Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Streets Of Taiping Town

It was a quiet Sunday afternoon and as we walked along, I managed to capture these street scenes in Taiping town...
Some of the shops are being pulled down and reenacted...
In another couple of years, there would be some new changes...
Notice some new buildings coming up too...
Especially at the town area near the Fire Brigade...
Along Jalan Pasar... (Market Street)
 Opposite the Kakak Restaurant..
Information Office... 
Along the main road...
Cannot remember this road..but  in front is the market...
Maybe Taiping bloggers will find this familiar...
At the Taiping Food Court ...
This is the place where we can find lots of food stuff...
Fried Koay Teow, Laksa, Fried Or Chien, noodles, rojak.. etc. etc...
Biscuits, snacks and desserts are available too..
By the way, do you know which stall sells the Best Char Koay Teow here?


  1. Hmmm......shall I go ipoh tjis school holidays....

  2. Taiping and Ipoh look quite alike to me, especially the town LOL

  3. The road seems desserted except the food court. Is it because it's Sunday.

  4. What on earth are those? They look horrible!!!! I wish they woyld restore and preserve the nice, old and beautiful buildings. Our history, our in Penang! Here too! They got rid of all of them, so sad, really tragic, but at least they do not replace with those peculiar looking structures.

  5. those buildings are all aged, wow, antique and must be very valuable now!! errr, the Taiping Food Court, same as the "Casual Market" ah??

  6. kathy: Ipoh or Taiping? :)

    ken: yes, especially on Sunday.. very quiet one..

  7. irene: yes, only crowded at food places.. :)

    stp: what is horrible? They are being renovated or rebuilding.. dont see any peculiar looking structures there... Ipoh is also like that.. old buildings are being demolished and rebuild again...

  8. sk: the last one is food court.. all makan only... varieties of food..

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  10. I have never been to Taiping. Will try to go one day after seeing your photos.

  11. The road you forgotten the name, it's Jalan Pasar ;) I stayed here last time, hehe~

  12. Mun: yes, nice to visit new places for sight seeing and food!! :)

    hayley: oh, it is still along Jalan Pasar? hahaha..that means I was turning round and round.. hahaaa..

  13. That Jennifer place, you mean it was originally like that? The Information Office also - sticks out like a sore thumb against the tall building behind it - which badly needs a new coat of paint - would be nice to get rid of the yellow...all white like the nice colonial structure in front.

    Sometimes, when restoring, they should make minimal changes. I like how they've done it in Penang, very nice and tasteful. Not it is like a fairy land, a giant theme park. Maybe some people like it like that but to me, it has lost its soul. Not as nice as the way it used to be anymore.

  14. STP, I am enthralled by Jennifer's place, maybe I like buildings to be painted white and it blends well with other colours.
    The Information office is built during the colonial times, so I hope they won't demolish it.. yes, the building behind does need some repainting and I am sure many of our town shops need that too...
    About Singapore, I think they are doing a good job too.. only that it is now overcrowded with people.. :)

  15. Such a good Sunday without the sunshine...

  16. You'll see the photo when you're on your way to the casual market. There are a few furniture shops there. That is Jalan Kota.

  17. Especially the town near the fire brigade? Yeah that is a big shopping mall coming up next year - It's call Taiping Mall.

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  20. Jennifer building is a slimming beauty and spa centre.

    Fried keoew teow with fishball you mean here? There are 3 stalls if I'm not wrong.
    You can refer here:

  21. I ve been to Taiping food court once. Very crowded but wholesome of good food waiting to be chosen.hahah

  22. long time didnt visit taiping. but their ancient buildings are nice


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