Saturday, December 21, 2013

Authentic Shop Hoong Toh In Old Town

My mom told me that she has not been to Hoong Toh restaurant for more than 30 years or more now! Oh dear, I must take her here one day, I told myself... Hoong Toh is not a high class restaurant but it was one many years ago. Weddings were held in this shop and the last time I attended the wedding, yes, it was more than 30 years ago. I guess all the old chefs have retired by now and needless to say, the authenticity of the food has also gone with them. With one consolation in mind, perhaps the cooks have passed on their "secret recipe" to the ones who have taken over....

One fine evening I took my mom and "company" here for dinner.... Now she doesn't have to say she has not come by for more than 30 years already!   hahahaaa....
The place has been "refurbished" ... those days, it was not as "bright" as it is today...
What do these painting depict?

When it comes to ordering, we allow the "lady boss" to suggest...
She told us this is their signature dish... "Hoong Toh Meen"
It goes well with the vinegar ... according to individual...
This is a "Must"... 
Yee Wat Hor Fun
(Fish paste with flat noodles)
Good try for the first timers...
Singapore mihun...
I think my handphone camera is not doing some credit here... (lighting problem)
For side orders, this is nice... crispy fried wanton...
And their signature "popiah/lobak"
I cannot remember the name...
It is crispy on the outside and a combination of minced meat and vegetables on the inside...
And now the bill... 
I was a bit taken aback to be splashed with ;RM55 +-
What do you say?


  1. Is this place famous amongst the locals? Prices are certainly on the higher side....

  2. my parents love to come here :)

  3. Everything looks so good. My girl would love...especially the deep fried stuff. Yum! yum!

    1. I have yet to take my own kids here actually.. I think they will like the fried stuff too!!

  4. All looks pretty good. Are your "queen" & company filled to the brim? If so, then the price is ok. I like the popiah.lobak.

    1. At least she doesnt have to say 30 years never go there now.. hahahaa..

  5. The Singapore mihun looks dark.

    Yummy, I like that deep fried dumpling.

    1. Yes, a bit dark.. not so dark actually.. it is the lighting.. and my hp...

  6. So hungry, like the last dishes!!! =]

  7. wah, this restaurant still can survive till today, that means "broken ship also got three pieces of nails" woh.. your mum must be very happy to go there again, and how she finds the food, can eat what she ate 30+ years ago or not??

    the Singapore meehoon is so dark meh?? or your phone's making it dark?? haha.. RM55 for the bill, errr, okay to me lah..

    1. SK, my phone no good la.. but mihun a bit darker than usual also... yes, mom said expensive, no need to go anymore.. hahahaa...

  8. Hello Claire, on average RM11 for each dish, seems ok to me. Good of you to take your mom there so that she can now say she has been there recently!

    1. Yes, now no need to say 30 years never go... hahaha..

  9. The pictures depict...prosperity? :p Abundance? That's what businessmen would usually hang.

    1. Oh... so you know Mandarin.. no wonder can last so many years!

  10. Replies
    1. Malacca and Ipoh people almost share the same standard of living!

  11. Hoong Toh Meen is new to me. What are those toppings on the noodles? Looks nice!

    1. Hoong Toh is the name of the shop... :) the toppings are crushed onions... .i think!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...