Sunday, December 15, 2013

Bee Gaik Nyonya Food

My In-Laws took us out for a scrumptious lunch in Bee Gaik Nyonya Restaurant when they came visiting to Ipoh recently. It has been some time since I last went and when they asked me to order, my first dish I had in mind was the one of the below.
Which one do you think is the one I would not missed ordering?
Curry fish head.... ?
Crispy Fried Lobak?
Bean sprouts with salted fish....
Perut Ikan... an appetizing dish...
and Joo Hoo Char....
I missed taking one picture... Kapitan Chicken... 
Not sure how much this meal cost...
(Forgotten to ask my B.I.L.)
So which dish do you think I love the most? 
Thanks to my In-Laws who gave such a sumptuous treat!


  1. My guess is... loh bak? Looks crispy though :D

  2. Must come to Sibu and try our nyonya dinner, my mrs and mine... ;) Last trip, you had the kampung fare.

    1. Aiyoh... Ok, ok, wait till I retire... I can go on a food spree!!

  3. What a feast. All looks so appetizing. Myself, I love ju hu char so I take for granted you also like it, hehehe!!!...

  4. Must write down the place and dishes, then when go Ipoh, you bring me there, hehe...

  5. I have no idea which one is your favourite. :p

  6. But all the food looks yummy alright, especially the crispy fried lobak. :D

  7. Claire, I am going to guess the Curry fish Head!

  8. Everything but the fish head looks good to me but I liked the looks of the Joo Hoo Char too.

    1. Maybe my camera did not do much credit to the claypot curry.. yes, I love the joohoochar..

  9. I love the fried sengkuang too. Yummy!

  10. your in-laws came to Ipoh and brought you there to makan?? hey, i thought it should be the other way round?? being the Food Mayor of Ipoh, how could you let that happen?? you should be the host to bring them around makan right?? haha~~ :p

    1. That shows my In Laws are nice people and non-calculative ones.. and I am the one "untong-ing"... hehehe... dont be jealous ye!

  11. Oooh. They all look delish and i think you enjoyed every plate. Haha. I love lobak and curry fish.

    Hmm, maybe you like joo hoo char??

  12. I like curry fish, sometime it happens to me, I only remember to take picture of first few dishes, after start eating, then forgot to take the next few dishes!!! =[

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Thank you, readers!

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