Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Contribution From Yayasan Perak (Perak Foundation)

Windfall fell when one of my ex-colleagues dropped in to my office one fine afternoon... He has a glum look on his face and when I asked him what happened, he told me that his application has been rejected by the Yayasan Perak.  (Perak Foundation)  I was kind of baffled at what application that was and then he told me more details about this foundation and what the benefits are for us Perakians.

For those of us who are born in Perak, we are eligible for certain benefits under the foundation scheme.  When I log into their website, there are a few schemes that we can apply.  One of them which I am eligible for is the Dermasiswa Pendidikan (Bursary) for my girl.  Students who are entering Matriculation, Diploma, Undergrad and Postgraduates are eligible to get a certain sum from the Yayasan Perak.

There are certain criteria for eligibility, such as basic salary below RM3000, a list of Universities approved by the foundation and signed by your area State Assembly man.  No interviews are needed, just submit a form which can be downloaded at their website http://www.yayasanperak.com.my.

There is also a small sum for newborn babies and those who are in primary/secondary schools.  Well, I guess there is no harm trying, as long as we are Perakians, we are eligible to apply.  If I have known earlier, I would have applied for my sons as well.  Anyway, thanks to my ex-colleague, if he had not come by to my office, I would have missed this cheque below.
Contribution fund in aid of Bursary or "Donation-ship?"
Please do take note, if you are eligible, why not?
I am sure other states have this kind of foundation too...
Spread the word...


  1. Wah!!!! Better than striking 4D 2nd prize!!! ;) I think here, must get straight A's to get something from the state. My girl got all A's except in the extra subject that she took on her own - English Literature. :(

    1. Oh, over here no need... as long as there is an offer letter to go into the University or college which is in their list, then eligible liow...

  2. Wow, not bad.Like strike ticket.If not for your ex-colleage,you would have slip this chance.

  3. Thanks to your ex-colleague that you got to know about it ya... hehe...

  4. Din't know about this... Sounds great!

  5. Wow...that's a good fund aid for the Perakians.

  6. yes, i guess nowadays we better be more sensitive towards all the available funding or contributions or "sweets" from government authorities because money is really not enough now huh??


Thank you, readers!

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