Sunday, December 22, 2013

Missing You On Winter Solstice....

Today is Winter Solstice... my kids are not with me but I know they wanted to be home as much I love them to be.  But circumstances do not allow it at this moment but soon... very soon we will be together again!

My siblings and I had a very scrumptious dinner at my mother's place... she is very "terror" one, terror in my English sense is "Power Cook"... she can cope up and cook these dishes at one go.. fast and swift... nice and yummylicious these were what we had this evening...
Steamed "Village" Chicken....
Marinated Vinegar Cucumber....
Two types of vegetables.. broccoli and cauliflower... 
Fish Maw soup!
And what is that she is holding?
Yes, Trotters in Black Vinegar!!
My favourite too!  Now I can feel my face having some "burning sensation"............
Simple... Complicated... Appetizing... Yummylicious...
Come Let's Wallop.... 
Last and not least.... 
Odd Shapes Tong Yuen!

My Do Re Mi are not home yet... Yes, I know the three of you like to drink the syrup and eat these rice flour balls... Not to worry, your grandma has saved a packet in the fridge, when the three of you come back, we will do them again!  Whatever shapes you all want to....
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!


  1. It is xmas soon! Perhaps you can enjoy turkey, tang yuen with your kids? :p

    -Kian Fai

  2. Hi Kian Fai, long time no hear! Thank you for coming by... yes, whatever comes as long as they are here, I will enjoy!

  3. Yes, your mum is very terror. Can cook up a storm of food and all looks yummylicious. Nothing can beat mum's cooking. Anyone of you master her skills.

    1. Irene, we master different taste skills.. hahaha...

  4. Wow, all the dishes makes me see till i drooling liao... kakaka...

    1. Sharon, not often we can have these type of dishes.. only festive seasons.. :)

  5. Happy Winter Solstice to you and your family!!! =]

  6. wow, such a nice family gathering. We didn't have any get together as my mum was at her house and we had to work too.

    1. Yeah, at this time, I can understand how work is in the shop. :)

  7. wah, indeed a very scrumptious feast woh!! your mom was "terror" and you all also very "terror" to wallop everything mah, haha.. nice lor, i love the fish maw soup the most.. and who did those glutinous rice balls?? i saw two which were square indeed.. :p

    1. Those rice balls are prepared by the younger generation... all making odd shapes out of them..

  8. I love that trotters in black vinegar! Yumz~

    Happy Winter Solstice Claire.

  9. I admire your mother very much! I cannot even cook two things at the same time or one burns.

  10. Hello Claire,

    Your mother is really a great cook as she can make so many dishes in a short time.

    Your children must be also missing you and their grandmother too on this festive day.

    Happy Winter Solstice to you and your family!

    1. Same to you, Mun! Hope you had a good time with your family too!!

  11. Double thumbs up for your mum's cooking! Hers has that mum-cooked look. Too bad my mum can no longer cook for a long time now. Bet she misses that a lot...and misses seeing the family enjoying what she dished out, licking the plates clean. None of your kids home? Hope they'll be home with Christmas - would be so sad and lonely without them...or you'll be going over to Singapore or Penang again?

    1. No, they will be coming back soon!! Really missing them a lot especially during festive time! Yes, mom can still cope up with the food... we can cope up with the washing! hahaha..

  12. Mum's cooking is always the best. Love what your mum cooked. I am drooling.

    Didnt make and eat tang yuan this year. Lazy. ;)

    Yay! Soon your do re mi is coming home.

  13. The chicken looks good! I wonder if you all made the ginger/scallion dip to go with the chicken :D

    1. Yes, my mom blended her own chillies and add in some dash of lime.. sedap!

  14. Everything looks so good! :)

    I can eat 3 plates of rice just based on the chicken and/or the trotters alone!

    1. You are still at the growing age phrase ma.. so surely can eat more.. hahaha..

  15. many delicious homemade foods. Mom is the best chef ever!


Thank you, readers!

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