Sunday, December 29, 2013

My Pool Lessons At The Resort

It was really a relaxing holiday for my family... too bad it was a bit too short, a three days vacation is definitely too short when everyone is enjoying themselves tremendously.  Leaving the work pressure in the office, never need to do housework, no kids to chase after and make sure they are fed properly... phewwww...To me, a real Vacation means all food and play with your love ones, never having to think of anything else... this is what I call bliss... 

Everyone seems to be having a good time and that includes the younger generation as well... I never know Andy can play pool so well.... Now I am wondering whether I paid his college fees and pool tuition fees as well or not.... hmmmm....  He seems to know this game very well....I rather not ask....  benefit of the doubt....

So here we are...learning some tips from him....

Lesson in progress..... 
Demonstration going on.... 
 This is the way how to do it.....
 Let me try..... where shall I put my hand/hands?
 The old learning from the young...
 Yehhh... I think the ball went in!  hahahaa....
 Come, let's have a real game!
I don't mind coming back to this "resort" every year!
Must book early to avoid disappointment.... LOL.......


  1. Replies
    1. wahhh.. you know how to play? I dont actually...

    2. I so so only, not very expert, don't have the proper correct skill, hehe!!! =]

  2. Who's that? Andy's girfriend kah? If you ask me to play, I wil cucuk cucuk...make a lot of holes in the muslin cloth cover on the table. Muahahahahaha!!!!!

  3. Hahaha....His 'extra curricular' activities when not at school. SMI got one pool learning Centre opposite. Hehhe

  4. Haha!!! look serious. I better step back. Don't play play.

  5. Funny, but I have to admit I also like pool.


  6. There's a pool table in the college i think, everyone can play, i guess that's the place where he practices the game? LOL

  7. I don;t know how to play too. I wonder what kind of resort is this?

    1. I am also learning..but never seem to know... :)

  8. 3 days of holidays definitely enough for me already. As long as we can relax, have fun and away from our work just for one day also shiok! hehehe

  9. Haha Claire, you write this in such a funny way - I don't think you paid his pool tuition fees. He is smart so learn it on his own without needing to pay pool tuition fees.

    1. Mun, I hope so... I really hope so... hahahaa...

  10. So now with your boys teaching you, you will become what we call a Pool Shark!! Maybe can make some extra money from it, and have fun too! Wishing you and your boys and girl the best New Years ever, Claire!!!

    1. Hey Ginny, same to you too! You should be resting now... Happy Speedy Recovery!

  11. yeah, pool is fun, i love playing.. but only when everyone is about the same level and still learning.. not fun when you are playing with an expert who can get all balls into the hole in just one shot, leaving you to sit aside only watching, hahahaha!! and vice versa.. :)

    1. Sk, I get what you mean.. playing with an expert means holding the stick till the end... hahaha...

  12. I love to play but I didn't get to play anymore. Used to play at the gym and also at resorts.

    1. Wow.. geng ah.. I dont know how to handle the long stick.. hahaa...

  13. Me not good at all in this, haha xD

  14. I am not good at all in this, haha xD

  15. Pool is fun! Tried before but aint expert.

    When everyone is having great times the holiday always end so fast. Haha.

    Happy new year, Claire.

    Can you email me your mailing address for my record?

  16. I used to enjoy paying pool and snooker when i was younger. We could play from after dinner till sunrise! Those days in Penang, the snooker centres operated 24 hours! It was so much fun yeah!


Thank you, readers!

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