Monday, December 23, 2013

Pampering Ourselves With Christmas Gifts In Ipoh Parade

After dinner my sister and I made our way to Ipoh Parade. Our intention is to go for a relaxing massage and that was what we did. I did a Thai foot reflexology whereas my sister opted for the shoulder, neck and back massage which cost RM45 and RM55 for one hour respectively. It was the first time for my sister and she loves it so much that she wanted to go again...and next time we better book a massage before we go.... LOL...

Feeling lighter after a good massage, we stepped into Tiramisu outlet and ended up buying some sales items... No, Tiramisu is not a desserts corner, formerly it was called Next Shop.. Well, both of us couldn't resist the 50 and 70% corner... and it was indeed a fruitful evening for us tonight.  I guess Christmas is in the air, it is time to shower ourselves with gifts instead.. LOL...
Christmas decorations in Ipoh Parade.. at a smaller scale...  
Considered not bad for Ipoh standard...
From the top view... 
At eye level....
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve... 
Any plans where to go tomorrow?
I am looking forward to tomorrow's night....
Hope you are too!
Have a Blessed Christmas, Friends!!


  1. Hello Claire, Same to you! May you have a blessed Christmas with your family.

  2. Like the last picture!!! Hope you have fun tomorrow night!!!
    For me...I haven't plan to go anywhere, hehe!!! =]

    1. Never know.. last minute someone might come by... !

    2. My sister...hahaha, drag me to go shopping!!! =]

  3. I was there few days ago and I love the christmas decorations too. But I didn't shop much. Just bought a small book from Popular. But yesterday I was at JJ and the decoration is great too. There I bought a pair of new shoes.
    Merry Christmas, Claire!

  4. Oh i think i've been to this place before, haha. Merry Christmas to you and your family Claire :)

  5. Blessed & Joyous Merry Christmas to you & family. Over in Kuching, shopping complex too has set up very nice & decotative christmas trees. Love the atmosphere.

    1. Yes, the christmas atmosphere is on everywhere..

  6. Lovely decor. My post today is about Christmas too. It's tomorrow. Blessed Christmas to you and all your loved ones. Joy to the world!

  7. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for everyone who are reading this post:)

    Christmas decoration is everywhere, especially in every shopping malls in KL.:) nothing special for us this year except to celebrate with our 18 months daughter, for the first time:)

    Simon Lee

    1. Thank you Simon Lee... You have a Nice Christmas too!

  8. Have a blessed Christmas to you and family too! :)

  9. The Christmas mood in Ipoh is always more fun than my hometown in Penang!

    1. Serious?? Naw.. I think Penang has a larger scale of Christmas Decorations!!

  10. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND FAMILY! I will come down your chimney as a Santa Claus!

    HO HO HO HO HO HO HO!!!!!

    1. Thank you in advance! I will wait at my chimney below... make sure you come!!

  11. beautiful christmas decorations. :D


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...