Monday, December 16, 2013

The Magistrate

I really don't like to go to certain government departments but I have to, no choice.   If I don't go, I couldn't get my things done and when I go, I must know how to occupy myself while waiting. 

It was just too bad that I forgot to take my iPad along when I went to the Magistrate office a couple of days ago.  Very careless on my part... my interview was supposed to be at 11.15am and I reached there half an hour early.  Before me was another 3 separate cases and I was thinking... "Oh man, how long do I have to wait?"
Waiting for my turn...
The door leading to the interview room...Dressing is very important here.. We have to dress decently before the magistrate...One "auntie" told me that she went home to change from her bermuda shorts to long pants and she told me that the magistrate was very polite and nice so she didn't mind going back to change.  LOL..Yes, I think we ought to dress appropriately in certain departments.  

Back to my story, it was almost 1pm when my turn came.  After few trips to the toilet and playing some games on my iphone, finally the door opened for me and appearing behind the magistrate reminded me of "Will Power" TVB series.. hahahaa...

The magistrate is a lady in her 40s, quite stern looking but when she .. I was imagining those type of arrogant and unsmiling lady magistrates but to my delight, she is so nice and pleasant looking.  She made me feel at ease and we chatted a bit before the serious business began... then I took the Oath repeating after her.... the first word was "Bahawasa saya....." and my tongue felt like it was being "tied up" and I couldn't pronounce it properly...  I kept repeating the words in the car.. bahawasa saya... bahawasa saya.....  there!  Kind of difficult, right???

Anyway... after half hour or so, the interview was finished... phew.... I packed up my documents and made my way to the lift.  While waiting, the magistrate lady came out, we smiled and talked a bit and when the lift came, naturally I let her go in first but instead she said, "Please, after you... "    hmmm... the long wait suddenly does not stress me anymore......


  1. Hello Claire,

    The photos in your post reminded me of the time I went to the "harta pusaka kecil" dept to settle some official matters. Now government officers are all very polite and helpful.

    Good to know you got your mstters all settled too.

  2. Yes, finally...i can heave a sigh of relief...

  3. Interview????? It takes hours to wait whereas the matter can be settled in half an hour or so. Really needs patience of a saint.

    1. Yes, have to wait no choice... got to get some matters settled... next time bring iPad!! hahaha..

  4. Come to Sibu! You go in and out you go, instant! My girl went to take some oath or whatever. So very fast. Looks like it goes across the board there - long queue, long wait for everything!

    1. That's why I said.. if got iPad, then the queue wont be torturing.. hahaha...

  5. What business with the magistrate? You're sure you went to the right place? Not the registrar kah? Muahahahahaha!!!!!

  6. What a good ending to a stressful wait!

  7. Hmm usually we have to wear politely when going to those government offices.. hehe~

  8. I don't like to go government's department too, hate there's always 6 counters but the only open 2 or 3, so in my conclusion the rest closed are just there for decorations only!!! =[


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...