How about Spain food?
I guess we could skip these since we have lots of Indian food in Malaysia...
Polish Dumplings...
Looks like our "shanghai dumplings"...
Sorry, no pictures of the dumplings...
I forgot what this is but it certainly reminds me of our own local Satay!
Now what is this? Sorry... I couldn't recall....
Must be something milky and cheesy....
ahaaa... I found Malaysian food stall here... but no, we didn't buy any...
Now where is this from.....
Choosing the food may be difficult, finding a place to sit is more difficult!
So what's next?? "What to eat...where to sit?"
Never mind, take a picture first... decide later!
Part of the stalls we passed by and still not deciding what to take....
really... too many choices make decisions very difficult...
There are a few rows of food stalls, we couldn't get to finish walking all of them. Some stalls have long queues... I guess the food must be nicer if the queues are longer, right?