Saturday, February 8, 2014

Along Swanston Street In Melbourne

The weather was quite hot in the afternoon around 32 degrees but towards the evening, it was 16 degrees as we were told by the receptionist.  So when we set out around 5pm, my girl and I equipped ourselves with the proper attire.   It is quite a long walk... with my boys around, we do not need a tour guide, they just love looking at the maps... and I just love to depend on them... no stress!  LOL...
At the St Paul Church... 
This scenery reminds me of Scotland here... 
Findlers Street Station... see something familiar here?
This is a popular spot too.. I was told..
Melbourne Visitor Centre...
Lots of people here enjoying the coolness..... 
And that includes us too....
Further down the road is Yarra River.... 
Along the bridge... 
I think we have walked a few kilometers from our apartment... 
Good exercise for us indeed!!
We stopped here to enjoy the scenery and the cool air.... 
Below the bridge, we reached Southgate... 
Nice scene.... couldn't stop taking more pictures here... 
I love going touring with my kids... someone sure has to carry everything in his backpack! 
Thanks Andy!


  1. No friends there? Gee!!! I could have given you the contacts of a few who can help take you around - Melbourne's infested with Sibu Foochows. :D

    1. Geeee... No need to have frens also can move two map readers here.... :)

  2. When I was at those nice view places, I always can't stop myself by taking a lot of it, hehe!!! =]

    1. Cos we dont when we will come the next time... So take more pics,... Lol

  3. That's a good exercise for all of you after the intake of so much calories during CNY. Tall & beautiful buildings with nice scenery.

  4. Wah ... so nice over there !! Buy me souvenirs hor !

  5. What a fun filled family trip! What a lucky mama! Enjoy to fullest yeah!

  6. Beautiful city, love the relaxing vibe over there :D

  7. Nice family outing together so happy to see such close family relationship

    1. Spend quality time with them as much as I can,.. Lol...

  8. great and enjoy yourself! Great to hv your kids around as a tour guide. Melbourne is indeed a beautiful country.

  9. nice place nice photo nice people!! aiyoh, so "sin mou" lah, i also want to go to Melbourne after seeing your photos already..

    1. No need to sin moe... AA is quite cheap if booked at the right time...

  10. Always nice to go on a walking holiday with your loved ones. Enjoy!

  11. Nice photos... time take photo come nearer to the camera. Then can see all the building and scene la. 1st pic human so small leh.


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...