Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Highly Recommended Sea Life Aquarium, Melbourne

For the three days tour we joined, we were entitled to choose one attraction in the city and were given free passes to the one we chose. My kids decided to choose the Sealife Aquarium which was within walking distance from our apartment. The walking distance took us to Southgate, a half hour walk from our place.
Here we are just opposite Southgate and just outside the Sealife Aquarium
It was a long walk that day... coming by here to relax before goingin.... 
After getting our free passes, we loitered inside...
and all of us were given an opportunity to touch these...
Star Fish... aka Patrick in Spongebob!  LOL...
I didn't touch it, (geli) but my kids certainly di...
But I am not scared of this though.... Crocs is branded!  LOL...
My son had my courage... ahemmm.... just screamed and then quickly go away.... LOL...
The amazing stingray...just looming above us with a smile on its face... back?

Beautiful creations....

It was feeding time.... what a nice coincidence...
We were saying... "next time can just come to here to watch penguins!"
Even the King Penguin is here... heads up high...
There's a baby Penguin beneath... protecting from other penguins...
I think we spent over an hour here... just watching them.....
Before we left, a picture to remember....
I would recommend Sealife Aquarium... 
It is indeed worth visiting....


  1. This place is nice, can get upclose and personal with the animals!

    Just wondering are you still in holidays? Can still blog daily?

    1. I am back home, Hayley... just blogging about my adventures in Melbourne till the day we came home... :)

  2. I love penguins!!! They're so cute!!!

  3. Look sort of like Underwater World in Langkawi. If it is not free, I think the entrance fees will cost a bomb. Nice place.

    1. I think it cost around $37 per person if not mistaken... I havent been to Underwater World.. so not sure...

  4. Come to Sarawak - Jong's crocodile farm near Kuching...or you can go swimming in our rivers. With any luck, you'll get to meet Bujang Senang. Hehehehehehe!!!!!

    1. Call me jakun.. What is Bujang Senang?

    2. Beats me, Louiz, I pun tak tahu... I don't like the sound of it... real crocodile and swimming inside the rivers? oh gosh.. takutla, Arthur!

    3. Bujang Senang - a notorious deadly crocodile found in one of the rivers in Sarawak.

      The Sarawak footballers call themselves that too - Bujang Senang.

  5. Wahhhh!!!! Free passes! So nice. Went to Auckland's underwater world - that cost a fortune, after conversion - hundreds of ringgit!!! *pengsan*

    1. hahahaa..don't convert, sure pengsan one!! Or will never go in ...

  6. Amboi, your first picture looks like bf-gf babe !! Err, silly question I know, but the croc is fake right?
    Eh, I've seen the same penguins in Langkawi.. So no need to wait until nite time to watch them lor, this one can watch anytime, keke..

    1. Yeah lo, Louiz, I didn't know got penguins in Langkawi also, call me jakun too!! No need to go Phillip Island? Only difference is that these are caged and those in the island are free... :)

  7. wah, not bad woh, buy 3 and get 1 for free!! and wise choice to choose the sea life aquarium, so many penguins there to see!! i remember been to somewhere in Malaysia with penguin (i think it's the Seasonal House in Taman Pertanian at Shah Alam) many donkey years ago, there were just a few of them yet they make it like such a "loud" thing, haha!!

    1. I never see them in Malaysia before.. I am really jakun!

  8. eih, that croc not scary at all lah, maybe it's a bit fair and looks clean, unlike those we saw which are darker.. haha!! if real one i see you don't even dare to go near~~ :p

    1. Sure la... if real one, sudah lari kuat-kuat already... hahaha...

  9. I always loved watching the marine life in overseas as ours in Malaysia have different varieties. A very good example is the Penguins! I love them lots!.....

  10. Wow can touch the starfish ah. That is nice. Geli meh?

    1. Geli or not I dare not touch... my kids touched them...

  11. Why the place looks so Singapore LOL

    1. I havent been to the Singapore one.. this one free so that was why we went..

  12. You got to see those penguins clearer there. Better than at the Phillips Island.

  13. All of you must really love the penguins to be there for an hour just watching them. Thanks Claire, I received your coaster and postcard. :)


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...