Sunday, February 9, 2014

Melbourne By Night

First day, first evening in Melbourne.... We had our dinner in Southgate food court, it was a very long walk from our apartment and our stomachs were "growling" by the time we reached this place.... we had our dinner here... a very simple one...

We had a fusion of Chinese, Italian and Mexican.... 
She had the kid's meal Burrito with one passion drink at $5.95.. 
She and I had to share this... 
Andy ordered the regular size... big portion too!
A die hard fan for rice, I had the Thai food with 2 dishes... 
Beef and lemongrass chicken for $9.40 
Big portion... 
Two pizzas for $10... Ok, don't convert please...
Otherwise everything is too expensive to eat... LOL...
Southgate at night...
We walked around after dinner...
Different scene from the day... 
Everywhere we walked, there are performances...
Yes, we did drop some coins after it ended.... 
Hi Elmo!!
The song "Amazing Grace" was being sung.... 
The walk began... 
Very cooling and windy....
At some parts, I was shivering.....brrrrr.....rrrrrrr..............
If only my camera could capture a clearer picture... 
Reminded me of Marina Bay Singapore here... 
Andy loves the cooling weather but he didn't bring a single jacket!
Someone Malaysian took these for us.... and vice versa... 

Everywhere we walk, we can see lots of Asians... we don't feel we are actually in a western country!


  1. 16, not cold lah... Just nice. ;) :D

    1. I think if I go over, I will bring along a box of Mee Daddy...and eat for every mean in room. So expensive, cannot afford. Hehehehehe!!!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. If i can afford, Arthur, you can afford much much more.... Lol....

  2. Very nice view at night. Lovely family pix. Hurray!!!!!!...enjoy yourself to the max.

  3. hahaha, fusion of Chinese, Italian and Mexican?? at first i thought how interesting that would be, but then only to find out you had different dishes only, not one single one that "fusion" three cooking style~~ :D

    1. We joined and tasted all in one shot... So they are sort of fused in one.,. Lol...

  4. Calories ....the food very high in calories !,

  5. I think the difference in temperature for day time and night time is huge in Aus... better bring along a jacket next time for evening outings ;)

    1. Yes, but I was wearing two pieces and my sons just wore tshirts....

  6. Nice to walk at night in the cool weather. Yes, I agree with the other comments here, better to bring along a jacket for night walks. I think I will eat the burrito, looks tasty and healthy.

    1. Yes, evening is definitely more cooling than expected but still can tahan ... when the wind blows, then beh tahan.. hahaha...

  7. Missed a few post and I quickly scrolled back to your previous posts to catch up..
    Ooohh, familymoon right after the wedding thingy? You guys must be real exhausted lor..
    Your daughter looks very sweet by the way..

    1. Thank you Louiz, young people normally look sweet .. I was young once too! hahahahaa... want to puke? Yes, now very exhausted... especially at my age now...

  8. Blue elmo? I thought he is red? Lol!

    I am also a rice person but I guess I wouldnt mind trying out new food. Haha.

    Oooh. How I wish I am in Australia with you now. Over here is damn hot!! I think over 30degree celcius lah!! *sweat*

    1. Rose, over here also hot but evening very cooling.... :)

  9. Thanks for sharing Melbourne s great night views.

  10. Claire, you are in Melbourne! That's nice.

    Happy Holiday-ING.

    1. Thank you Ling! But we didnt stay one night in Phillips island.. yours is very nice.. lol..

  11. oi leng but shivering lah...LOL.

    Love the last pic leh :)

  12. yes, Australia is always beautiful day and night. Love your shots!

  13. Melb a very nice place. And yes, a lot of Asians. Next time went my kids grew up, I must travel with them like what u did now. How blessed !

  14. I love you and your children's smile. Brighten up my day:-)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...