Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday Night Market In Victoria Market

On the way back from the aquarium, we passed by a pastry shop and bought a nice carrot cake for Aaron...Though not exactly his birthday date yet, we celebrated it a bit early and made it special a bit this year... singing Birthday Song in Melbourne instead of Malaysia or Singapore.. LOL...
Michel's Patisserie Says.... Heavenly Goodness Inside... 
Wow.. what an attractive phrase....
It's your Birthday, Son...
Using the timer on the camera, we managed to snap a family shot....
Soon it was dinner and since it was Wednesday evening, Victoria Market is very "happening!"
We were astonished by the crowd... relaxing on the streets and chilling out, so I was told...
Entertainment too...
Sort of a Night Market performance... to us Malaysians, it is "Pasar Malam"
Just look at the crowd....!
I was wondering whether we could get any food or not.....
Oh yes, Wednesday Night Market.... they sell all sorts of food....
We joined in the crowd... walking along and see what is in store for us...
There are so many choices... Nepal, Mexican, Afghanistan, Brazil, Spain... etc etc...
This one attracted my girl... Low In Fat, Delicious and Healthy!
Anyone can guess why I took this picture? 
It was unintentional, actually.....
Oh Me, Oh My!  I thought only Malaysian Chinese eat that!!
It was certainly a HOT night... hot in a sense that everything looks good... 
And we really did not have any idea what to buy and taste..... 
But we ended up getting some to fill our curiosity... (tomorrow's post!)


  1. I love the markets overseas, the farmers' interesting, so different, so many things to see. That photo, you took because you wanna snap that handsome guy, right?

    1. hahahaa... actually I didn't take it intentionally... only saw it when I scrolled through the pictures yesterday...believe it or not...

  2. Wow, such a crowd. Interesting to see them sitting at the road side watching the performance.

    1. Yeah, I was surprised too.. no mat nothing.. just on the street...

  3. wow, night market under the summer's bright sky, haha!! that's interesting huh?? packed with people and not only lots of activities, but also a lot of food (more powderful than our pasar malam ke??).. surely cannot miss this place lah..

    and oh, Aaron having a birthday celebration in Melbourne leh, how nice!!

    1. Yes, something different only on Wednesday night.. so next time you go, make sure you are free on that night... hahaha..

  4. So many people! You were taking the photo of the banner with the porky? Westerners eat roast pig too but not the innards.

    1. I suppose... they like roasted pig too... ! Yes, not the innards like us Chinese...

  5. Happy Birthday to your eldest son! That is a very nice family photo taken using the timer.

    1. Yes, all of us had to squeeze in... after a few tries, we got it right... hahaha..

  6. ooh so this is how victoria market looks like, but macam so crowded :x

    1. Yes, like clubbing on a Wed. night in the market...

  7. Happy birthday Aaron boy, nomatter how big and how old you are, you will still remain as mummy's little baby boy forever.. That carrot cake certainly looks good, with all those cream cheese frosting.. Ok, I have a confession to make, the only thing I like about carrot cake is the cream cheese frosting, teehee..

    Sorry if I'm jakun, errr, but what was so special about that performance coz the crowd was really huge... Wahlao, I love that night market, all sorts of food, from all countries, you name it.. Eh the lengchai was staring at you izzit, so you faster snap ahh? Keke..

    1. hehehe... if I tell you that the picture was unintentional, would you believe me... hahaha... I didnt know till I saw the pictures yesterday during my blogging...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sharon... few days over but still in February! hahahaaa

  10. I see the word Singapore, i sulk sulk lah, u didn't come to Singapore... Sob sob also...

    1. hahahaha...wait till I got place to stay.. hotels are very expensive la!

  11. So many food from different countries like international food festival lo!!!

    1. Yes, something like an international food festival.. you are right!

  12. Wah ...aunty gatal ... see handsome angmoh , saliva drop liao.

    1. Saliva didnt drop... but spectacles drop cos very loose.... hahahaa..

  13. Indeed is very happening. Must remember Wed is the Night Market in Melbourne.ahhaa

  14. Oh lovely. I love markets, yea even flea markets! That poast pig Oooooooooooo lol

  15. Happy birthday to Aaron! Very happening in the market.


Thank you, readers!

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