Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Weekend In Kuala Lumpur

It was a Friday when we flew back from Melbourne and we arrived in LCCT at around 3.30pm,a  very punctual flight.  From there, my kids and I went our "separate ways."  Aaron had a night flight back to Singapore so he stayed around at the airport. I was supposed to go back with my kids but last minute I decided to stay back in KL for the weekend after receiving some disturbing news about a friend who was hospitalized in Subang Hospital. 

The next day I was taken to a gathering and it was great to meet up with some of the my friends whom I have not seen for more than 3 decades.  
I was actually very tired after the 8 days trip... 
But I guess I still have a bit of "battery" left...
Though physically we have changed, nevertheless, we are still active by heart...
My old buddies of the 1970s....
Another picture before we "dispersed...
I called it a night when the clock struck 11pm....
I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep in a new place that night..
I was mistaken... 


  1. ah, nice opportunity to meet up with the girls huh?? so, everyone heard Claire was in town and all flocked to meet her up?? wow, really VVIP leh.. hmmm, i guess 8 days of trip surely makes you sleep well when you are back home huh?? home, i mean Malaysia lah not necessarily Ipoh, haha~~ :p

    1. No la.. actually I gatecrushed into the gathering without any invitation!

  2. Salute you. Nice gathering especially with your buddies whom you have not seen for decades.

    1. Yes, no plans one.. an unexpected ... I just tagged along.. hahahaa..

  3. So sweet of you to stay back for your sick friend. Hope she's fine now. Wow!!! Everyone looks so so so young!!! Amazing!

    1. hahaha..sure or not everyone looks young.. hahaha..

  4. You are so active like a Duracell Bunny that plays the drum on TV ads. Next time bring along Power Bank Battery back up! LOL

    Your photos so blurr la cos I enlarged to scan the familiar faces!

    1. Yeah la.. very blur.. dont know why... my ipad needs changing i suppose... hahaha... or perhaps it it is better to be blur?? No wrinkles seen ma.. ahhaah..

  5. Wah so energetic, i'll KO after any trips LOL, i'm too weak *shy*

    1. Hey, don't say that.. you are still an energetic young man!

  6. Wah, straight after touch down, you go merayap again and had so many activities.. I would have died.. After touching down, I prefer to head straight home for a nice shower, unpack and lastly, clean (and vacumn) my house and kaotim all the laundry.. I have mild ocd, so I always "can't wait" to get home and vacumn and do the laundry.. Yeah, chisin me..

    1. Last time I was also like you.. now no more.. kids big, let them do what they can do to help.. me no more stamina like those days.. ahhaa..

  7. A nice gathering especially meeting up with friends you have not metup for so many years...

    1. Yeah, some lost touch for so many years already...

  8. You still look awesome. Nice gathering. I would go flat the moment I hit the pillow if I were you. ;)

  9. A wonderful gathering with all the sweet ladies.

  10. what a great gathering. Meeting back old friends are so wonderful. You all sure have lots of things to talk about. No wonder your battery flat. haha

    1. Needs to charge after a short while.. hahaha..

  11. 30 years never met, such a long time. Sure cannot recognize many faces there after 30 years. How is your friend now - the one in the hospital? Hope ok already.

  12. wah lau eh.....momsy so happening leh...landed aje kick away the kids LOL...joking ah... jgn marah

  13. Wow, that must be very tired, but I think everything turns to be fine after got to meet up with your friends, right???


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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...