Sunday, March 30, 2014

BBQ Dinner At The Poolside, Bukit Merah

Yes, I shouldn't complain about anything, after all, I came for a three days course and not a vacation.  In fact I should be thankful for having an opportunity to attend a course here in Bukit Merah, there might not any more chances in the coming years. 

Coming back to my second night here, we had a BBQ dinner at the poolside... supposedly to be a BBQ dinner and I was expecting some smoke and aroma nearby the poolside.  But when we came down at 8pm, we did not have to wait for the food to be cooked... all were being lined up nicely for us to "savour."
Checking out the food.....
Ikan Bakar Kembong... (Grilled Fish wrapped with banana leaves)
Lamb Meat....
Salads, soups and bread... 
Great line-up of food that includes fried rice, spaghetti, curry chicken, squids....
Mingling with my course mates....
My choice of food... a little bit of this and that... 
Some salads and desserts....
Oh dear, I really must refrain from further comments about the food... 
Let me change the subject here...
Just look at the picture below...

What a pose! 
 I really must not do that anymore.....
I look more like a "female thug"here....


  1. I thought the BBQ is you got to bbq yourself, hehe!!!

  2. Isn't that good, you don't have to do the BBQ. No sweating and all. Just sit down & eat.

    1. Not all the dishes were being BBQ... just the fish actually. :)

  3. Hah!!! I thought you're going to blog about the dinner you cooked. Hehehehe!!! Ya, that last one - like you're going to fight with somebody. :D

  4. Bukit Merah? Do you know we've a place named Bt Merah too? I thought you were in SG for a moment. That's quite a spread of buffet!

    1. Oh, I didnt know that there is a place in Sg called Bt Merah too.. must look out for it next time..

  5. The choices at the buffet looks good. All ready cooked is ok for me, no smoke to add to the haze. The desserts caught my eyes, look really good, but since you don't want to write about it, I guess the taste of the desserts is not really up to normal standard.

    Very macho pose you got there in the last photo. Good assertive pose. No need to change. :)

    1. need to change? Ok, I am not into feminine poses I guess.. very unnatural when it comes to taking photos..

  6. Wow so many nice food, training is always good no? :P

  7. This food all looks wonderful, Claire! And for some reason, it looks like American food! I don't know how you do not ever gain weight! I have lost 30 pounds and am still dieting

    1. I have gained 4 pounds!! Good to hear you have lose some.. it is better to be healthy than looking good...

  8. Elo, elo.. Sorry for the late comment.. I don't online on weekends.. No time..
    I like your post today coz I see buffet.. Yummmz... To be honest, I don't like company retreats / team building/ traning those sorts.. Coz that means I have to be away from home (and I will miss my boy so much, keke).. But I have to admit I like those meal times, especially buffet and all.. Look at you, having so much fun :)

    1. No worries about commenting.. normally weekends I am also laZy to blog but it is now like homework.. if not done, I feel something amiss... Not really fun... but real fun if with my family! :)

  9. Hmm ... all halal food , I want the bacon and roasted pork !

  10. you look as "sedap" as the BBQ lah, haha.. no need to be so skeptical about how well you can pose, just be yourself lah Claire, we all love you for who you are~~ :)

    1. I know, I know.. *bow head*... I must make a signature post like TM and you... :)

  11. The food looks yummy. And you look great. Haha. An outstanding pose.

    1. My wooden pose... same thing all year round.. hahaha..

  12. lovely food ah..but cannot eat....lum jor

  13. Hmm, quite a lot of variety ya~

  14. Like BBQ but prefer someone to do it.Agree, Claire? Haha


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...