Thursday, March 6, 2014

Earthly Treasures And "Indescribable Wealth"

Many times I have been approached to write something about  my life, how I could adjust to situations every now and then, how my family could afford to go on trips, enjoying what we love at this decade of time etc. etc...  Needless to say, I have been postponing it for writing a lengthy post needs lots of cracking head for words and time... But tonight I just want to mention a bit... just a tweeny bit about earthly treasures...

First of all, I want to give credit to the God whom I believe in.  He has been watching over me for the past many years and keeping me sane in everything I do.  As it is being declared in the Bible, His Grace is sufficient for me...

Trusting that, I do not need to be full of riches and wealth… my needs are being covered, so as my kids’ necessities as well.  

I believe in spending quality time with my kids now that they have grown up so incredibly fast and well.  I regret not spending enough time with them when they were young... and now they are so grown up, I feel the need to be with them as much I really could...

Money is not important anymore… what is realistic is that I am getting old and I do not want to waste any more of my years saving and toiling for the earthly gold that never comes.

How much money is rich?  Get what I mean?  What does richness mean?  Buying property and cars?  

My kind of richness is buying time to spend on them…. I take leave from work now.…It is buying time to go places with them…be it by driving a car just the four of us, it is also considered pure joy. I remember we started off by driving all the way to Johore when my eldest turned 18 and since then, there was no turning back... Each year we make it a point that we go somewhere together, be it near or far.....
Let's face it... Sooner or later we might not have this type of Quality Time anymore... BUT meanwhile when this is possible, why not do it now than to wait....

What I want to say is that... we do not need lots of money to enjoy things together as a family.. What I am trying to say is that MONEY IS ALWAYS NOT ENOUGH...will never be enough if one does not know what he/she really wants...

As for me, I know money is JUST ENOUGH as of now... I know what I like to spend on... and it is always within the limits of what I have... earthly treasures I do not have....

Now what I see before me are two young men and a young lady…they are my three "Indescribable Wealth"...


  1. Wealth, riches...need not be measured in terms of money. I do not have a lot of money, my pension is just enough every month...but I am very very rich and very very happy. Praise the Lord!

  2. Well said. Money is not everything. Spending quality time with family is your wealth & treasure.

  3. yes, you can be rich at heart and not necessarily need a lot of money.. like what you are having now, you make it a point that you go somewhere together, be it near or far, it's the best thing and most happy thing you could do.. the quality time spent together with your loved ones, doing things you like together, enjoy the happy moments are indeed the precious~~ :)

    1. I bla bla bla... from my heart.. hahahaa.. yes, money without love ones is also like emptiness inside..

  4. You are a wonderful Mama to your kids! You have shown many of us how to live and be happy!

    1. hahahaa.. not exactly wonderful.. my kids will vouch for that.. they know how wrong I am at times... stressing them up.. hahaha..

  5. Health is surely the most important thing! I always pray that my family and I are healthy, peng peng on on~

  6. Very wise words, Claire. I agree with you 100%. I have never been on a vacation with all my siblings and parents so I always encourage others to go for vacations with the whole family when they can.

    1. When kids are small, it is a bit difficult to go on long vacations.. but once they are bigger, do make full use of them before they settle down.. hahaha..

  7. Well written, time is indeed priceless

  8. Totally agreed. Money is not everything. Most importantly, we are happy with our lives. Spend more time with our grown up kids are very important. Keep it up, Claire! Well done!

    1. You too Wenn!! Keep Traveling with your love ones... enjoy what you are doing now!

  9. I like this post reana.. I felt guilty and bad as I have been taking many leaves for the past few weeks taking care of my kids (the hubs went overseas for work) and today I am off again coz I need to takecare of baby who is sick.. But after reading your post, I felt better.. Enjoy this very moment coz when they grow up, I wana turn back the time to when they were babies also cannot liao kan?

    1. Yes, I also regret not taking care of them when they were small and young.. work, work and more work.. for what.. spending time with them is a bonus .. why want to work so hard? :)

  10. hmmm...what happen oh.....why sudden this thought?

  11. Just let me strike toto one time is enough

    1. Hahhaa.... Tell that to Pastor Timothy! hahaha...

  12. Health & Money is equally important but spending quality time with your loved one is irreplaceable....:)

    1. Yes, good health is definitely important... no health, no wealth... hahaha..

  13. this is such a lovely and wise post. Your children are sure proud to have you as their mum.

    I wish to be like you too when I grow old later. To travel with my kids together. Thks for that inspirations !

    1. mNhL, you will enjoy it too one day... but now that your kids are small, do spend more quality time with them.. they really grow up very fast one! hahaha..

  14. That's true...but who really get understand the meaning of it!!!


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...