Sunday, March 9, 2014

Guess Away For A Giveaway

For almost the whole day, I was tuned in to Astro 501 for latest updates on the missing MAS and it is indeed a mystery of where, why and how. To date, there are no confirmed news where the aircraft is... I hope that with the help of foreign power from other countries, they will shed some light to this mystery. As I read in FB, what we can do to join as one big family to pray for safety and comfort for those affected....

Today there will be no food post..
To enlighten the mood, I put up here below two cans.... 
And the first three people who can guess what is inside the can will get a small token from Reanaclaire...
You can comment as many as you like but one guess in one comment...
And as what I said before...
This is Just For Fun...


  1. jungle juice? mixed liquor??

  2. Me too... reading tweets and fb feeds.
    Z fizzy drink from Australia !

  3. prayer of safe notes for MAS passengers.

  4. Keep guessing as many as you like...

  5. P.S.:
    Wasn't there a badminton match last night? Datuk beat Chen Long? He was on a MAS flight to wherever the competition was taking place. The chief steward on MH370 had his photo taken with Datuk and shared on Facebook.

  6. Elo, am back today.. Hopefully I won't be off from work too often already, haiz..
    Oohh, the can looks sure it's not fizzy drink inside coz takkan the answer is so obvious rite...
    My guess: Something like the Thirsty Hippo.. What do you call that.. Dehumidifier.. To absorb moisture..

  7. hmmm...come to think of it from the zenxin farm ? The one Chris went?

  8. So far...still don't have all three correct answers... come on.. guess some more... :)

  9. Guess it's organic rice powder in a can? Or even organic vegetable(green) powder?


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...