Monday, March 10, 2014

Missing MH370, All England Championship And The Answer

The week started off with good and bad news....

As we all know until to date, there is still no sign of our missing MH370... I am still following the updates on a lot of websites, whether true or not, I am as baffled as the "experts."  From fishermen's sighting of the plane during the early morning till the possibilities of how the plane went missing, I read them all.... this is bad news...

The good news is about our Datuk Lee Chong Wei... he won straight sets against Chen Long in the All England Championship last night or should I say this morning.  Yes, I stayed up to watch the midnight game that lasted till 1.30am.... and naturally I have "panda eyes" today and kept yawning the whole day in the office.

And now for the "entertainment" news, here is the answer to yesterday's guess-away.
Here are the two mini cans with one normal size 100 Plus can drink....
Most of you guessed that it is an energy drink.... 
Sorry, that is not the answer....
 Inside the mini can is the "wet wipes!"
The answer can be tissues or wet wipes...
And so far, only one got the answer correct...
Yes, the Cat Mama got it right!
Never expect it to be filled with tissues, right?


  1. yeah, still no progress on the MH370 case but too many speculations and rumours that somehow confuse the people.. especially the grieving families of the passengers and crew, they surely suffered massive mental torture having to wait for an answer..

  2. congratulations to Dato' Lee, finally one match won again!!
    congratulations to Small Kucing, wow, she sure have X-ray eyes that can see through the can huh?? :p

  3. LOL okay, wasn't expecting that answer though

    1. Me too.. when I received it, I was thinking what it was inside...

  4. So many things happened over the weekend, but I think the most critical is the MH370 incident, me too keep refreshing FB to see if there's any good news! Really feel so sad about it, it's going to the 4th day, what had happened actually??

    1. It is still a mystery.. hope it wont take two years like the Air France..

  5. Congrats to Lee Chong Wei! That's good news!! As for the bad news, it's really sad and unfortunate that until now, they still unable to locate the missing plane.

  6. Not a very good Horse year. Sad about the MH370 incident and it still remain a mystery. Pray hard that will be able to locate the missing air craft.

  7. My FB wall is flooded with (false) speculations which gives me hope, sometimes dunno whether to believe it or not. Or watching the news is more reliable?
    Congrats to Meow, so smart la can guess it was wet wipes, keke..

    1. Same here.. all kinds of hopes and devastating news...

  8. Sobssss!!!! I didn't win. *goes to a corner and sulks*

    1. Next time you must follow Mama Cat's answer.. then no need to sulk.. ahahhaa..

  9. Congratulations to Datuk Lee Chong Wei...

  10. 4th day no news yet...haiz....

    LOL....i have one also like that and it's fill with T-Shirt. Got it when buy camera. Me jakun thought y give me drink while the shop promised say give T shirt

    1. If only the comic heroes are real... Ultraman should be able to find.. or Superman...

  11. Wow....such a nice tissue 'canned'. And congrats to the winner of your giveaway.

  12. I didnt follow on your guessing game. Congrats to Cat Mama for the correct answer.

    4th day today. Still no sight of anything fom MH370.

    Congrats to Datuk Lee. I thought he lose but good for him.

    1. Yeah, 50-50 for LCW actually but that night, he played really well..

  13. Sigh!!! They still under investigation on it!!! =[

    Congrats to Small Kucing!!

  14. congrats to small kucing. Tissue in a can sounds cool..

  15. looks like a gift (gimmick?) from the pharmaceutical company, like pens & notepads.

  16. You are such a great fan of Lee Chong Wei... Does he know that? I will tell him ok.

  17. I wouldn't have guessed that there are wet wipes inside. Mama Kucing is so smart to guess correctly.


Thank you, readers!

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