Saturday, March 8, 2014

My Flying Fears

I was stunned for a moment when the news of MH370 airplane went missing enroute to Beijing this morning.  Seriously, is this happening to our MAS?  My heart goes out to those involved... hope they will locate the plane soon .....

Many of us love traveling, that includes me naturally but I think most of us do not like taking the flight.  I for one, fear flying...   I really do have a fear boarding a plane and sitting inside for hours and hours that seems unending. 

After so many years of traveling, I still have this habit of taking a tablet before I board a plane.. at least half a pill of Dramamine for longer flights and a quarter for few hours flight.  It makes me feel drowsy and sleep off the endless hours of flight and anxiety.  But I was told that in any event of mishaps or emergencies, I will be in trouble...

The moment the plane starts to ascend, my heart thumps... my imagination at times run wild... I worry that the heavy load of luggage and passengers will be too heavy for the aeroplane to ascend higher and higher... "Our lives are in your hands, Captain." 

I love the descending... my fear will be over soon, I tell myself... once the wheels hit the leeway, I heave a sigh of relief..."Thank you, Captain."

Yes, pray before ascending and give thanks when descending....


  1. Same same sis .. that's why I seldom travel better !! On a serious note, I pray that mh370 will be safe.

  2. I was stunned too when I heard the breaking news. Pray for all on board MH370.

  3. This missing flight has been bothering my head and thoughts since morning. I felt sad, confused, worried and had goose bumps all rolled together. Before the list of names were announced, I was a bit shocked to receive messages from abroad asking if I was safe? They said they knew I went to China too frequently.
    My prayers for survivors to be found.

  4. It's all not in the Captain's hands, not in yours or's all in God's hands. Every flight I take, I would pray in my heart before and during take off...and leave it all to Him...and upon landing, I would say a prayer of thanks. We can drop dead anytime anywhere...if that is what God has planned for us.

    Pray for all involved, Lord have mercy.

  5. praying for MH370.. at least i hope there are survivors..

  6. Was shocked when come to know about it...

  7. Yes, sad when watching the news on TV.. especially those families who are involved.. really feel sad for them.. hope the plane and passengers will be located soon!

  8. I always have such phobia and fear, so every time I fly, I will pray first. And once landed, I will sigh a relief and say my grace for the safe journey and land.

    My prayers go to the victims and families who are involved. Really a shock when I read the news. Could not believe it and up to now, have not been able to locate it. :(

  9. Yes, keeping updated of the events through tv and fb... mysterious...

  10. Yes, such a shocking news!! I've always have good impression on MAS! Really pray that they are safe!!

  11. I guess accident does happen.... wish the best for the victims

  12. Yes, everyone joins in to wish them safety...

  13. I just couldn't believe it that it went missing. Just hope that it could be found somewhere safe and sound..

  14. Same here, but my hubby scared of cruise..sigh..


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Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...