Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Round-Up Family's Trip To Melbourne

The final post on our Melbourne trip has finally come to a close... 

Our eight days tour started on the 6th February and ended on the 14th February, 2014, coinciding with Chap Goh Mei and Valentine's Day.  It took me more than half a month to finish posting our itinerary.  Thank you for bearing with me... putting up the pictures and trying to recall the name of the places need a lot of effort.. (for my age)... 

Some have asked me how much was spent on this trip... I have estimated and each person for a trip like this cost around RM4000 ($1300) and that includes some shopping as well too... :)  Depending on what each wants to buy... as for us, we didn't buy any expensive stuff, we were more into sightseeing and of course, food! 

 Here is round-up pictures taken from my sons' handphones.....
 Outside the Greek restaurant on our first day....
The food pictures were a bit blur so those had to be excluded...
Victoria Market on second day....
Along the Swanston Street....
 Findler's Station... an icon in Melbourne
In front of RMIT University, one of the renowned universities in Melbourne...
A cooling evening walk along Yarra River...
Our funny smiles....
 Feeling carefree and relaxed....
In front of the Sealife Aquarium...
 The Biggest Purse we ever encountered.... in front of GPO...
 At the Sovereign Hill in Ballarat...
 Watching seagulls fly while waiting for the penguins....
 At Great Oceans...
 One of the spectacular oceans ....
 Sibling's selfie....
Our tour bus....
Driver cum tour guide....
Brother using sister as a "tripod"... 
Lastly and not least...
Our $25 picture as a token to Sealife Aquarium...
End of Trip!

Now back to "slaving" and saving for our next trip....
er... no plans yet actually.... any suggestions?


  1. Nice & beautiful place to visit. RMIT University, my niece is studying there before and now working in Melbourne. Actually, a PR there. Next destination is Taiwan.

  2. wah, 9 days for RM4000 not expensive also lah, somemore your trip seems to be so much fun!! and no worries, i enjoyed reading your Melbourne trip posts very much, each post i also came to "pong cheong" lah right?? haha.. and i like this wrap up, next time i shall do something like that for my travelogue, haha..

    next trip?? hmmm, what have you got in mind?? western or oriental, nature or metropolitan, exotic or traditional?? :p

    1. Thank you for poong cheong and pon chan my blog.. hahaha.. appreciate that... so far, nowhere in mind yet.. cos the tin is kosong at the moment.. must start to fill the tin again.. takes a long time one.. hahaha..

  3. Glad u had fun with the kids, Claire. :)

  4. RM4000 for each person for 8 days is very good value seeing that all of you went to quite many places. Most importantly the whole family enjoyed themselves with many beautiful photos to remember this trip by.

    1. I guess it is justified.. yes, the photos showed how much we enjoyed.. :)

  5. So cheap, RM4,000. Our NZ trip, the air fare alone...already almost that much...but peak season, school holiday time - not a good time to travel...and Air Asia does not fly New Zealand.

    1. Yeah, agree with you.. must go during off peak season.. NZ is always expensive, dont know why...

  6. RM4k inclusive of airline, accommodation, food & tour wor, is considered ok wor, not very expensive.. Somemore for 8 days, very ok already, very "jik tak"..
    Slaving & saving for the next family trip ahh, hehe, yau mou? Hmm, Taiwan or Korea would be nice :)

    1. Yes, yau... must save otherwise how to go.. hahaha... .Taiwan is nice.. Korea, we have been few years back.. very chik tak also.. 2500rm then..

  7. Bo jio ! Next time let me know la

  8. Most important is that you all enjoy the trip ya... :)

  9. Not that expensive. RM4k per person.

    A great family getaway.

    1. If air tickets is cheaper, then it will be lesser...

  10. Reana, I really wish I could travel with my kids in the future just like you ! How fun it was. You had simply covered most of Melbourne.

    1. So next destination Brisbane! hahaha.. just kidding..

  11. so fast final post ah...i think i missed a few post jor. RM4k is ok la

    1. Never mind.. next time your turn to go then you can refer back..

  12. So fast, end already?

    Wanting to see more photos la! ;)

    1. End jor lor.. others might be sien already.. hahaaa...

  13. I must say again and again that I love to look at your photos in the Melbourne posts! The smiles of yours and the kids show that you guys are very loving and so supportive! God is great!

  14. The fare and expenses spent were not cheap but worthwhile coz all went well and very happy! You will live with this precious happy memories which are priceless!!

    Now I dare to plan a Melbourne trip. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Not easy to save but it is worth the effort.. :) Hope you will make your trip come true soon!

  15. Replies
    1. Not planning yet at the moment.. won't be this year definitely...

  16. End jor lor.. others might be sien already.. hahaaa...

  17. Claire, looking at all those nice photos, I can't wait to have a trip with my girls..A girls trip.hahah. The time when I no longer need to carry the their bags but they carry mine.hahah

    1. hahaha.. very soon.. perhaps 10 years or sooner? :)

  18. Oh i know where to go, penang! haha! actually vietnam not bad la, should visit that place before their economy booms

  19. I have been to two cities in Vietnam... would like to go again, yes!

  20. wow, your melbourne trip is so interesting. Australia is so vast and it takes time to cover all. My girl is asking me to go Perth with her. Well, I might consider it but definitely not this year.

  21. money can always be earned again but happy memories live forever!! where the picture of the 12 apostles??

  22. money can always be earned again but happy memories live forever! glad to know your family enjoyed the vacation.


Thank you, readers!

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