Friday, April 18, 2014

Offer For

I received this email yesterday from an Eric Leighton....

Our website brokerage firm has a number of active buyers looking to purchase websites like  Can we set a up phone call this week to discuss this opportunity?

I haven't reply to him as yet, I am still much is my blog really worth?

Should I respond to this type of email?  Set up a phone call to discuss the rates?  How much should I propose?  Is my blog worth anything more than 100K?  Shall I tell him that I am willing to let go at $100K?  That makes me RM300K richer!

With that kind of money, I can go traveling whenever I like... I can even take my kids along... or bring some of you too...  LOL...

I can always start again a new blog called, right?

Ok, if we can really sell our blog for a price, will you, would you take up the offer?  :)


  1. Wah.... you really seh tak meh? haha

  2. I would have to find out more first. For one thing, he would own it and could post anything he wants, things you may not like or agree with! I think you should keep your blog really YOUR blog, and not someone else's. But since you are retired, good money. Maybe you could at east talk about it.

    1. Yeah, I think I should enquire more... terms and conditions..

  3. Ya, maybe you could at least find out more info about this if it is with no cost to you.

  4. Sound a bit scammy for me thou =O

  5. My niece in law sold her fb page for a good sum. You can do some research first about this fella.

  6. Spam???...quote as much as you can.

    1. Yeah, maybe i will tarik harga too.. hahaha...

  7. Dunno. According to one of those, mine is worth less than $10,000. Not much value punya blog.... If the money's good, just sell. You can always start another one. Watch out! They may agree, ask you for your bank account details and before you know it, kaboom!!! You would not know what hit you!

    1. Yeah yeah... nowadays apa pun boleh jadi one... anything can happen... so I guess it is just a dream...

  8. Wahhh if it's not a scam then you ma fatt tatt? Never heard of selling blogs but I've heard of selling of online stores, offered to my sister, everything is there, the customer base.. But she didnt takeup coz the owner wants back a certain % of money..

    1. Yeah lo.. fatt tatt gan... fatt tor tit moong! hahaha..

  9. Wow! Yourblog must be good if they really buying. Well, where this guy from?

    If it is true, I dont mind selling. Can start a new blog after that. Haha. But I am not sure how much my blog cost. Sorry, I dont know how much selling price.

    1. Yeah, if really price is good and for real.. I would start a new blog too! hahahaa...

  10. Better find out more and be careful about it...

  11. wah!! Claire so famous lah.. why not if they are paying you what Facebook paid to buy Whatsapp.. :p

    1. hahaaha.. I bet it is a scam.. just make own self happy only!

  12. Usually I put it into spam mailbox, hehe!!! Don't know why...just expect no free lunch in the world!!! =]


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...