Thursday, April 10, 2014

Ruse Of Engagement

My nights are filled with watching the latest TVB series... at the moment, I am glued to Ruco Chan from the Ruse of Engagement.. He is not handsome but he is super charming! The first time I saw him was from Reality Check shown last year, he left an impact on lots of local fans and since then, Astro on Demand has been showing most of his series since.
See the charming fella?  

Auntie Reanaclaire is also smitten by his good looks and expressions in this series Ruse Of Engagement.  The plot is getting more and more exciting now... who is the mole and the traitor in the Anti Terrorist Force?  Anyone can guess?  

Well, I guess not many of my readers are watching this series.... but I certainly not going to give it a miss.  Now that I am still working, I will continue to subscribe to Astro... but when I retire, I will consider unsubscribing to cut down expenses.  But will I be able to sustain not watching any more TVB series?  hmmmm... That is the setback of retiring... no more unnecessary entertainment in or outside the house....  

Okay, don't think of that first.....  Its Time to watch my show.... er.. my charming fella!  LOL....


  1. I like this series but not that Ruco, he has the cunning smile lol, i think Jessica is the mole and his dad... probably is the "bird head" LOL :P

    1. Suspect his dad.. but Jessica? hmmm.. don't think so.. maybe Beauty? hahaha...

    2. Ruco Chan And Aimee are just Outbound Love and you will be smitten by them. Anyway, I agreed that Jessica is the mole & her dad the head honcho...

    3. I have watched Outbound Love!! Yes, very nice... at least no heart thumping.. entertaining and romantic only... So you also think Jessica is the mole? No wonder Ruco was pointing the gun at her in the beginning... Maybe you are right!

  2. muahahaha, Ruco Chan and how could Reana Claire miss that, right?? i've been following this series too, quite nice but of course not as nice as the previous one, errr, what's the name again about the two brothers in Macao and HK~~

    1. Brother's Keeper!! That is also good.. but this one is also exciting... Ok, two also good de! cos got Ruco!! hahaa..

  3. Long time I did not watch TVB series. The last one I watched was Bounty Lady. Do enjoy your show!

    1. Bounty Lady is entertaining... Like Dayo too... very man! hahaha.

  4. I din't really chase after this one, not many 'interesting' actors inside, hehe!

    1. hahahaa... Ruco and Ron are out? yes, if not our favourite actors, then the show wont be interesting..

  5. So what will be your first day of retirement? Oh gosh, I hope you do not have to live too much below what you are used to! I hope you will be able to go places, eat out, and have good T.V.!

    1. Not yet, Ginny.. yes, I hope I can do what I love to do.. :)

  6. Not my cup of tea, tv series...but that guy on teh right sure is handsome. Is he the one you're talking about?:

    1. Aiyorrrrr!!!! Retiring not so bad lah, can still afford Astro - just subscribe to your favourite channel, get rid of the rest...and you've got one highly-paid son in Singapore...another son also working - just charge to one of their credit cards, auto-pay. Hehehehehehe!!!!!

    2. Wahhhh... you seem to think of everything... hahaha... no, I got to minimize my spending too.. earning half the salary.. so everything must slash to half.. hahaha..

  7. I don't really glued myself to the TV screen. Prefer Singaporean series which do not have too many episode unlike the Hockkien series which is long & winding. Hope you have a great time watching your favourite series.

    1. Thanks Irene... because I dont understand Mandarin, I cannot enjoy singaporean series... :)

  8. Not really "boiling" and catching those TVB series, no Astro.. Only the two of us, come back, cook+wash dishes+do chores+jaga anak = no time liao, so didn't subscribe.. But we are crazy over The Walking Dead though, zombie series, we download from the internet every week.. If wana watch any movies, we just download from internet lor..

    1. hahahaa.. you like the Walking Dead! I see glimpses only... don't know head or tail so I never watch one series before.. but I know it has been showing for a long time on Astro already!

    2. Season 4 is over.. Season 5 will be coming soon.. Yep, it's either I-Hate-It or I-Love-It series.. You gotta explore to find out.. I thought I would hate it when I first watched it, but surprisingly I "boiled" and "chased" until today (been almost 2 years !!)..

    3. Oh, really... cos my nephew also addicted to it but I never watched bec most of the time I am watching hongkong series only...

  9. I did not subscribe to Astro...only watch the normal RTM, TV3, NTV7 channels..these days when time is right I will be watching the Malay series.

    1. Actually I seldom watch local TV.. I think I can survive without them... next time if no Astro, I can download from the internet.. :)

  10. Thought after retiring, will have more time, and can watch more show, hehe...

  11. Afraid the story will be slightly same as Brother's Keeper, as in the beginning of the drama can see from the theme song scene can see he point a gun at Jessica, but don't know who's at good side and who's at the bad side!!!

    1. yeah lo... not so sure.. maybe her father is the boss so Jessica has to defend him...

  12. aiya...i thought announcing your kids engagement hehehehe

    1. aiyoh... you are more anxious than mama here..

  13. Few suspect:
    1) Jessica dad
    2) The sir (eddie kwan)
    3) or the other lady in ATF...

    1. Rachel... the dad is likely.. Eddie Kwan not possible.. and Beauty... maybe... Negative is one of them definitely..

  14. Long time I didnt watch TVB dramas. Yes, Ruco Chan is charming.

    Enjoy your drama.

    1. Thanks.. every night watch 45 minutes only.. :)

  15. What ya mean not handsome? Then who is handsome to your eyes? I think he is indeed handsome and charming. Maybe guys see guys differently compared to Claire! If I have his looks, I would be over the moon.

    I am glued to Korean channels over Astro these days.


Thank you, readers!

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