Sunday, May 4, 2014

Big Family Varieties In Taman Industri Sungai Buloh

The first meal when we reached KL is this place called Big Family restaurant here in Taman Industri Sungai Buloh.  Whenever we come down south, we like to come by here for our "brunch" and by the time we finished our meal, we were so full that it would last us till dinner at night.......
Ever crowded in the mornings and noons.... 
Lots of varieties here including kolo noodles too but I haven't try them before... 
For starters, we get to eat these crispy fried "mar kwok" (horse feet with sesame seeds)
Crispy Roasted Pork to go with a plate of rice.... cost only RM5.50
The price amazed me..... for KL standard, this is considered very Cheap!
And for our main meal, my order is the sea bass fish noodles...
Clear and less oil soup....
I don't mind ordering this again and again whenever I go down south....
 Fresh Fish Balls to go with the noodles....
 Meat and more meat.... :)
Is this healthy food? 
Guess we have to pay a bit more such a big bowl of fresh fish soup....
I can finish it all so that shows how tasty this bowl of noodles is....
The next time I come, I will try their Kolo Noodles...
Hopefully.... in another week or so... 
Have Food Will Travel...


  1. Should have a food trip in KL, hehe!!! =]

    1. Not enough time to cover many, I'm afraid.. hahaa..

  2. All looks good. I also thought KL food are expensive too. Maybe depends on the locality.

    1. As long as they are nice, a bit more expensive is justified.. :)

  3. Oh my, i can sapu all the fish balls LOL!

    1. Seriously! I cannot... so you are safe.. LOL...

  4. oh, Taman Industri Sg Buloh, i know a blogger friend who works in that area!! of course, this place is somewhere out of my way, the fish (and balls) noodles look good leh!! usually fish-based soups are clear but certainly very flavorful.. :)

    1. I think I know who... wonder if he goes there... hmmmm

  5. I think I must make it a point to hunt this place down to eat the sea bass noodle. Looks really good.

  6. I love that mar kok, they makes such yummy breakfast! And snacks!

  7. The sea bass noodles looks so good! Is that REALLY horse feet??

    1. Ginny! Of course not... hahahaa... it is only called that because they made it in such a shape...

  8. Anything in clear soup, that's for me!

  9. Yummzz, I love "mar keok" too, I always find the name funny, "horse legs", but ala, who cares, janji sedap.. They have the "lemak lemak" taste which I like, a bit sweet, a bit "lemak lemak", sedappp.. I can eat it on it's own, or dunk in Milo (yep, call me crazy), or spread with kaya/peanut butter (call me crazy again).. Oohhh, fish soup and fish noodles.. I had that once when I went for lunch with colleagues, one bowl is not cheap, 3 bowls plus 3 drinks = RM70++.. My jaw dropped !!

    1. hahahaa... I also didn't ask for the price because I was "treated"... but I think it cost around RM22-25 if not mistaken... well, once awhile treat yourself to good food... :)

  10. Sound familiar but cannot recall the location

    1. Use GPS... :) I think very far from your place..

  11. Claire, this is very near my place. Why you no call me ar..Next time you makan here, pls call me.hahaha

    1. Aiyah... so sorry ah... I don't know wor... next time la.. .ok!!!

  12. Anything clear soup, I am on! Some more it is fish. My favourite. That crispy pork is yummy too. Yes, that price is considered cheap in KL.

    1. Fish is anytime better than red meat? hehehe.. Fish won't make us fat, I guess..


Thank you, readers!

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