Saturday, May 17, 2014

My Kind of Method Against Dirt

Good news!! I heard that the Durian season is around the corner! Yummsss.. Just thinking of it make me salivating especially those with the golden yellow in colour ones!
I remember the last time I took was the trip down in Kuala Lumpur, that was ages back, I think!
With all types of durians ranging from D1 to D24 or 26, whatever, I hope to buy some nice ones
and keep frozen in the fridge... then one day I can take out two or three seeds to go with rice!
Looks yucky and gross on my fingers, eh....
This is what I love about this Malaysian Fruit...
The smell never goes off with one wash or two washes....
But I have confidence that my "durian smell fingers" will go off when I use this....
This is called Plumeria hand wash, the latest scent in town...
Designed like purple falling leaves... 
And one blogger told me that it looks very "disco-like" too!
I do understand what she meant.... LOL...
Now I put this just beside my basin....
I only used it once a day actually...
*Sayang to use*
Just press once and with that, I rub it on my moist hands...
After few seconds, wash it off...
And what is the end result?
Instead of feeling dry like other brands,
I was surprised that this Method handwash does not...
Instead my hands or your hands will feel just as before... soft... aheemm...
Last time I used dishwashing soap to wash my hands especially after handling my doggies....

But now using Method handwash, our hands feel clean and 
not only that, they smell good too!
I think Whitney here will love the smell too... right, Whitney? 

Alright, enough said and done....
Here is some good news... 
Wanna take a grab on these Method products?
Just join in their fun contest here

Ok briefly....
Share your dirty little secret...
or as many as you want and post them on method malaysia's facebook page...
Read all about the contest on their page...
Contest opening on 16 May to midnight 22 May 2014..
More details at their facebook page...
Well, today is the 18th already... 
See you there!!


  1. your doggies are cute! my mom's afraid of dogs so i can't have one :(

    1. It involves lots of work when it comes to taking care of doggies.. .

  2. I'm huge fan of dogs too & I own a Shih Tzu. Love the shape of the bottle too! Mmmm...... the scent seems to be coming out from my screen now...........

    1. hahaha... so serious! That shows my post is effective then.. hahaha...

  3. This is big have another dog, Whitney? Or are you dog sitting? He is so cute! Yes, we use Method and like it. The bottle of purple cleaner is really good too.

  4. Wow, King of the fruit, my favourite and I love it more than the doggie & handwash, hahaha. I am scared of anything that is hairy & flurry.

    1. Oh then we go for the sharp thorns, Irene!! hahaha...

  5. Good luck to all joining... Mr, same with Ken - poor daughter not allowed to have dogs or any pat - her mum doesn't like, phobia - attacked by neighbours' rotweiller once.. Is that how you spell it?

    1. Definitely not rot.. hahaha.. you added some sarcasm there? hahaha...

  6. oh, METHOD!! nice products, and i lover their packaging.. and of course their effective cleaning agent as well as that fragrant scent left behind after each clean.. awesome!! :)

  7. Good luck those who's joining the contest, few more days to the end!!!

    1. Yeah, I havent joined in yet ... must think of what is the quirkiest...

  8. Durians!! Not my thing at all, haha xD

    I love this bottle design, so cool!

  9. I was wondering what has durian got with method. Now I know. Claire is so creative!

  10. yeah lo...i wish they would make it into body wash too


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...