Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Travels And Food With The Locals

Traveling is not one of my passions when my kids were very young.  I was busy working and trying to make ends meet during the 1980s to the 90s.  That time I never thought much about traveling far, only local cities in Malaysia.  But as they grow up and my son started to drive, the traveling bug began, there was no turning back then.  From driving to local cities, the four of us began to travel to other countries as well.  One of the places I would love to visit again is Hanoi, Halong Bay and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.

Hanoi is an interesting place to visit and the last time we went, it was in 2008.  I remember we stayed in this Hanoi Plaza Hotel, it was cheap then, new and clean and was just right in the old quarters where shopping paradise is.  During our stay, we also arranged to go to Halong Bay, an island which is not to be missed.  From our hotel where we stayed, the views were just like postcards.
 Beautiful scenery at the Halong Bay...

Another place not to be missed is Ho Chi Minh.  It was an interesting trip for us, from shopping to visiting tunnels, rowing on a boat and of course, not to be excluded is none other than the exotic food.
 Our group enjoying our day tours tremendously.... 

 Despite the heat, despite the hordes of motorcyclists charging into us (but somehow we escaped being hit, thanks to their manoeuvre expertise), and the continuous "screaming" of horns blaring non stop at each other, (i guess its their way of greeting each other)...
Waiting for the "Green Light"....
And here they go!!
We did a lot of shopping .... 
 A memorable experience along the way....

 and the local food in the market......

Vietnam is still a nice place to go again, if given an opportunity, I would love to visit these cities once again.  Food is not a problem, we experienced sitting on low wooden stools along the streets, eating bowls of chicken hanoi 'koayteow' and their must-try is their local 'popiah' which is triangular shapes and deeply fried.  If I go again, this time I want to try their homestay local food, the real authentic ones that is not easily found on the streets.  There are lots of choices here in this Withlocals which offers local food, trips and homestay as well.  Here is an example of their local food at a typical Vietnamese family home!  Yummss!!
                                                    An Authentic Vietnamese Meal....


  1. Claire, you looks so excited and beautiful! I think you should maybe travel more!

    1. Ginny, that was a few years ago! hahaha... Now different a lot!

  2. Wanna go again? Let me know, I'll tag along. More people, more fun!

    1. Yeah, sure!! Wait till the situation calm down first... must ajak the Meow family too!

    2. don't forget me! i wanna go also, in fact i have plans to visit vietnam at august but might not be able to make it now.... so emo

  3. Halong Bay looks really beautiful!!

  4. Your the word no turning back, makes me think of the song that was sang in church, I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, hehe...

  5. I used to travel every year, local or overseas, before I got married.. Every year sure got 1x, during CNY, coz that's the only time hubby (then bf) could take long leave.. Never been far, just places nearby like Bali, Bangkok, Bandung, and places like Tokyo, HK, Taiwan, Guangzhou when I was working in my ex-company.. That was before having kids.. Now with two kids, don't think I can go anywhere, bigger only can go ahh..

    1. wahhhh..before married you went to so many places liow! Nice ler... for myself, I didn't go traveling much until kids are big...

  6. Start planning another trip? You are adventurous in hunting for food as well as travelling. I am not a travelling bug. More of a homely type of person.

    1. Last time I was very homely too... now I cannot sit still much... maybe too quiet at home.. :)

  7. Now your kids are all grown up, you can enjoyed life and travel more. See more, eat more.

  8. have been to Vietnam once and only once so far.. and it was like 3 years ago that i went to Hanoi for a 3D2N business trip.. all i can remember is that i only went to two places - office and hotel!! and then back to KL, didn't have a chance to see the place at all :p

    1. Hanoi is more quiet in the sense of shopping.. Ho Chi Minh is more happening if I were to compare the two cities...

  9. I tink my case just similar to SK. It's a 3D2N at Hanoi...the only places I stop by other than office and hotel would be the restaurant! I miss the Vietnamese food so much!!!

    1. Then you must go for a shopping and eating trip next time. :)

  10. More travelling soon? Your Vietnam trip looks so enjoyable.

    1. Must have the right group too, Mun.. that is why.. never miss an opportunity, if the group is right, time is right.. healthy... then GO! hahaha..

  11. Next time we travel together ah ...Ok ? Lol

  12. wah so syok travelling like that leh. Got drink the special kopi or not

    1. Oh, I am no coffee drinker but I remember buying one maker back for someone then... :)

  13. Shame on me! I think I am the only one who has not visited Vietnam. My friends are like you, they could visit several times and never get tired. They told me that shopping and eating was heavens! I must GO!!!!!!

    1. Hey, maybe you prefer to go to far far away places first .. leave the nearer ones for next time.. shorter flight, not so tiring... :p

  14. Been there long time ago with tour group when I was very young...roughly can recall a bit only, hehe!!!


Thank you, readers!

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