Sunday, June 1, 2014

My Homecooked Dishes On Rare Occasions

How long has it been since I last cook a decent meal? I really cannot remember, that shows how "cook-able" I am, if there is such a word.. LOL...

And it is about time to put on my apron yesterday to whoosh up a meal, a very simple meal actually... but a meal that took a lot of time standing in the kitchen....  *wipe sweat*  and the outcome of the meal was really something to shout about, OK!

After this meal, it will be a long-long while for my next cookery time in the kitchen....My apron will be kept in the kitchen cabinet again for another few months... LOL.....

So what was my Shoutabout meal about?
Fried minced meat with fish paste mixed with eggs....
Took lots of labour cos I prefer to do it manually....
Minced the meat using knife and not grinded ones using machine...
If only I have big onions, it would taste a lot better!
Next... Braised Abalones with blanched spinach!
The tin of Braised Abalones has been "looking" at me for a couple of months now..
So I put the whole tin into the boiling water for a couple of minutes until the sauce is hot.. 
 and poured the whole tin onto the spinach..... 
Steamed a Talapia with Tomyam paste....
Added some salt and sugar to taste... Simple!
No decoration cos I forgot about the parsley and stuff...
A meal must be complete with hot soup...
I better not define what I put for this one...
It sounds gross! LOL....
But the real attraction of the meal is these two dishes.....
One requires lots of work and one requires some deep digging into the pocket...
Anyway, hope my diners have enjoyed their meal.... 
Till another time....  my wok is now being kept peacefully away...


  1. After you retire, i go look for you, wait for me!!!

  2. The plate of abalone caught my attention! Love it!

  3. Wahh... so atas, got abalones! haha, i like that fish paste dish, but we don't blend in any meat though, solely fish paste :D

    1. I made too much of that fish/meat paste.... next time buy less and add in more ingredients.. :)

  4. I like the steamed fish and your minced meat with fish paste and egg best. Must be very tasty since you minced the meat by hand with a knife. I am sure your guests eating with you must be very, very satisfied since you opened your can of abalone for them too.

    1. But I think last time I made more tastier.. cos this time I didnt add in onions... my cooking is rusty now compared to those years...

  5. Claire, it looks delicious! Especially the first dish. Just as good as the food stalls and restaurants that you go to.

  6. Mum's home cooked food is always the best of the best. Oppsss!!!!... That bowl of soup, I know what is inside, pig's tail, am I right?

    1. Yes!!! Gross? hahaha.. I dare not put there.. you are a good cook so you should know!

  7. the rarer the more precious!! don't you agree with that?? and i have to tell you that i love the minced meat with fish paste and egg "nuggets"!! simple comfort food and don't know why but i kind of think it's some "old school" dish that brings back lots of memories~~ :p

    1. Yes, I used to do that dish for my kids too when they were they are seldom in the house, my recipe also gone rusty... so not as nice as before.. ahemmm... hahaha...

  8. Hehe .. aunty Reana cook so will.

  9. Wahhhhhhhh!!!! Abalone!!! Kept for a long time already? Next time anything staring at you for too long, just send to me, ok? Hehehehehehe!!!!

    1. hahahaaa.... one more tin still staring at me.... but I will keep that for my babies.... hahahaa...

  10. I must must go Embassy liao, apply for long term visit pass, kaka...

    1. hehahaa.... OK!! You must travel from south to north and then to Sibu too!!

  11. nice dishes...didn't know abalone can cook with spinach...usually it goes well with broccoli...hmmmn mayb I shud try;-)

    1. yeah, you should.. I have broccoli and spinach, in the end, I opted for spinach...


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