Saturday, June 28, 2014

Pianist In The Making

My neighbour is going to complain soon, his afternoon nap is rudely interrupted by my fingers dong-ing... C E G .. dong dong... D F A...on my piano on and off...

Well, my ex-colleague introduced me to join in this intensive course in becoming a pianist in just 1 1/2 years!  Sounds great... but can I be able to do it?  On one hand, I wanted to and on the other hand, once I sign up, I must be really committed otherwise I will be wasting my hard earned money.

I am really "big heart, small heart"... a number of factors.... I have a super poor memory and stiff fingers though I am playing with the computer keyword for more than 8 hours per day. *guilty*

How... how?? Should I join?  Fees are around 4-5K, I think....

Maybe I will go and attend the preview first, it is held in the Tower Regency Hotel on the 12th July, 2014 at 7.30pm...
My friend really made an effort to draw out some notes for me to practise at home...
That is why the dong dong dong in my house.... 
hmmmm... now... where is the C chord... Which finger... which finger.....


  1. wah nice, i know nothing about music anyway >_<

  2. Wah can be a pianist in 1.5 yrs time + fees rm4-5k? I think worth it..
    No need go thru Grade 1-8+Diploma? Sounds fast wor.. Do consider it, I think ok kot..

    1. No need tests.. I don't like exams.. phobia.. hahaha...

  3. Do go for it if the fees are not an issue. Nah, I don't think your neighbours will complain. Music is not noise.

    1. Starting time is.. dong dong dong... so i hope it is not irritating...

  4. If you have the interest and can put into good use like playing for church choir, why not?...but price is a bit too steep. Whose else in the house is playing the piano.?

  5. Well, it is good to try something new, it keeps us young. It is a big commitment though. But after you learn, maybe you could play at church! And play and sing! We have a piano and I have always wanted to play. Phil plays and he plays at church. I think it depends on if you have the time, and if you really want to! Let us know your decision!

  6. P.S. the rock is real, it is not painted. They are like geodes. When you cut them open, then you find the beautiful color. They were formed in lava beds in pre-historic times.

    1. Oh Ginny! It's amazing then... an eye opener for me.. really nice rock!

  7. Wahhhhhh!!!! That's a great hobby. Real good way to spend your retirement. When I go Ipoh, you play...I sing, can? :D

    1. U play, STP sing, i b the audience, can anot?

    2. Sure sure IF I pass...!! Really paiseh if failed by the end of the day eh...
      And Sharon, you will be the dancer cos you are now learning Zumba, right? hehehee...

  8. Maybe the Lord want you to serve him is this area, hehe...

  9. That's a good hobby. Go with the flow.

  10. Put up a link to the songs you play here so we can listen to them too. :)


    1. LINA... not even the first step done... ! hahahaa... but then it sounds interesting now you mentioned.. I might croak some songs that is un-listenable... hahaha..

  11. It's never too late to learn right?

  12. That is intensive and super fast course. People need to learn many years to master all the keys! Yeap, you should check out the preview first then decide. Need to commit yourself and practise most of thd times.

    used to play organ when I were small and quit when i went to further my study. My organ has been idle for nearly 20! Gosh! Dont know I remember to play or not.

    1. It should be easy for you since you have the basics already, Rose.. :)


Thank you, readers!

Blog And Moments in the Park

STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...