Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Big Family Restaurant In Taman Industri Sg. Buloh

Here we are again in Big Family Restaurant at Taman Industri Sungai Buloh!  
This place has become one of my food haunts whenever I go down south.  It is not everyday that I get to eat such fresh Seabass noodles, in fact, I do not know any other place in Ipoh selling something like this. The only place I have been in Ipoh is the Lucky Restaurant in Pasir Puteh but I doubt they have this type of noodles cooked like what I have here in this food court restaurant.
The Red and the Black Fish...
So fresh... just look at the fangs....
(Now only I notice) 
Reminds me of Piranha!
And this is my bowl of koay teow noodles with the "Fish Yu Nam"  RM22
Some fishballs to accompany the bowl of noodles... 
Thick skinned fish... lots of collagen...
This bowl of fish goes very well with their superhot chilli padi!
One bite on the chilli, the tongue is more or less "shocked-ed" 
Get what I mean? 
For fish lovers, this is the place not to be missed....


  1. balls fo rme. The fish, I like...but I prefer them fried till golden brown or cooked in curry. Not too fond of the colours.

    1. Yes, there are few ways of cooking fish and I like them all.. steamed, fried, stewed.. curry.. etc.. eating is bliss!

  2. Makes me wish that i am there now to eat it, kaka...

    1. hahaha.... the furthest you go is Johor now... nice food there too!

  3. Alamak... drooling so bad lah looking at the food photos

    1. Those are sure much better (healthier?) than heavy cooked food laden with oil and cholesterol! Hahaha

    2. Original taste... hahahaa... no marination added.. just cook fresh like that.. I like but too bad, Ipoh does not have stalls like this one...

    3. I like this kind of cooking, enhancing the natural taste rather than the less healthy option of frying or putting too much taste "enhancers"


  4. Fishballs for me, pls. Fish looks good too but the colour of it puts me off.

    1. Natural colours.. red fish and black fish... the red is of softer flesh whereas the black one is more springy...

  5. Fishballs for me too, like the few comments above me, but not bcz of the color, but bcz I am a lazy man. I hate anything that has bones and needs careful picking. The only fish that I like is dory fish fillet.
    Btw, you determine the freshness of the fish by looking at the fangs? How? The color?

    1. Freshness by the flesh and not smelly when eaten... but when you buy fish, look for the fish eyes and the gills.. hahaha...

  6. How much is the bowl of red and black fish? One weekend I must go to this place to eat although it is far from the usual places that I frequent. Temptations, temptations.

    1. Yes, do try and let me know! One man's meat might be another man's poison .. hahaha.. but I like the "ching tong"... not oily and overall, the bowl of fish noodles like this suits me real fine..

  7. Oh my goodness, those teeth!!! The fish balls look the best to me today. Very cool hoe you made your first picture look like a stamp!

    1. You can get lots of frames from "photoshop" , Ginny.. try that!

  8. :O how much for all these? They look very fresh wor!

    1. One bowl of noodles cost RM22... not so sure about the fish head bowl.. I didn't ask.. hahahaa...

  9. RM22 for a bowl of fish noodles, I think I mm seh tak, hehe.. But once a while can induldge la.. That black and red fish must be expensive..

    1. Not sure of that black and red... yeah, I didn't ask cos I didn't pay.. hahaha..

  10. I am not much of a seafood fan but I do eat fish and I do appreciate fresh fish. Looks like this place is a must go for anyone wanting to eat really fresh fish.

    1. I like coming by here and each time I go to Sg Buloh, this place is not to be missed.. I heard the kolo noodles is also not bad there.. .

  11. I like the fish ball, is that they're bigger than the usual one?

    1. No, Sheta, the fish balls are normal size... :)

  12. The seafood soup so much ingredients.

  13. RM22....wah...but but with so much fish.....kira good la

  14. Wow you have been going all over the places to eat wind minute eat pinang in Penang next in Sg Buloh eat buloh shoot. O..o the piranha looks scary, would normally turn around any cooked fish as not to see their kesian looking face.

    1. Actually I didn't see their fangs till I posted up...

  15. This place is definitely my kind. I love fishes but wonder I have the gut to eat that "pirahna" fish. ^^

    1. To be on the safe side, just take the flesh.. don't order fish head..

  16. Ya wo, their food sure looks fresh!

  17. No wonder my eye brows itched!!! That's where my office factory is located! I always got surprises from bloggers who posted about food around Sg Buloh which I was unaware! Normally my lunch hour is only 1 hour, so I am confined to nearby eateries only. I salute the way you dart across the country to eat and enjoy life! Good!

  18. You know what, Claire.Despite this restaurant is very near our place but I hardly eat there.hahah. I reckon we don't go to places which are near to us.


Thank you, readers!

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