Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My Buah Tangan In Exchange For Dinner

I was invited to a homecooked dinner again... this time I brought along some durians as "buah tangan" ... (oh, how to describe "buah tangan" in English?) Is it something like "gift" or should I explain it in a long winded way... When we go visiting to another house, we bring some gifts along with us, it can be edible or inedible.. 

Ok, back to my evening, my host likes durians and I hope the ones that I bought in the office just this morning would turn out sweet and good.  I was told that these durians are from Kuala Dipang near Kampar ... quite cheap, I got them 4 for only RM10!
By now, opening durians is not unusual for me anymore...
Just give me some newspaper, a cloth and a big chopper knife... 
Conclusion... smaller durians are anytime nicer than those bigger ones....
For RM10, it was quite a good bargain....
And now the dishes.... 
Stewed chicken legs with dried chillies...
Assam Stingray fish with okra...
And a plateful of spinach....
Dishes for the six of us.... 
Finished to the brim including the plate of sweet durians....
Alright, I guess I have eaten enough durians... at least for this week!
Must drink more cooling water from now on... 


  1. Good buah tangan especially if your hosts like to eat durians. RM10 for 4 is very good price since I see there are many seeds. I like the chinese spinach dish. Must be a satisfying dinner.

    1. Yes, indeed it was.. I ate a bit too much in fact..

  2. hahaha, nice idea for buah tangan!! and you gotta taste other delicious dishes too, hmmm, can we say this is a potluck also?? but then i better warn you, if you come visit me, JANGAN bawa durian okay?? muahahaha~~ :D

    1. hahahaa.... bringing durians for you means asking for trouble, right?

  3. Why you always got invitation to homecooked food one ar? So hang fook la! ;)

    1. Cos they know I love eating and always looking for "poon" to eat... hahaha..

  4. Yes, when we are invited to a dinner or a party, must a;ways bring something. And the durians are perfect because they are so seasonal.

    1. Yes and it is because everyone loves them too! :)

  5. So blessed, eh. Every now and then got invited for homecooked food. All the dishes looks so appetizing and my favourite too especially the stewed chicken feet. It has been a while since I last had it. Oh my, the durian is so cheap & look at the flesh.

    1. Chicken feet is quite unhealthy... and I ate a lot of that too last night.. no use regretting now.. :)

  6. Use a stainless steel butter knife and poke it down the "eye" at the bottom of the durian. Ripe durians will open like a flower, no problem at all opining the fruit.

    1. Sometimes eye also not easy to find.. and if the knife is not strong enough, it can bend at the tip.. :)

  7. Yay, this time got food pictures.. Thought you will say it's gonna be yellow again, so you won't be uploading any.. Very very homecooked, my MIL cooks these dishes almost every week..

    1. Oh, you know or not.. I took the dishes back to the kitchen table to take pictures and then took them out to the dining hall again.. hahahaa...

    2. What did your hosts say when you did that? Lol

  8. Seeing the durians, now my eye blink blink liao, hehe...

    1. Blink never mind.. not so torturing hor... hahaha..

  9. Aunty attack the durian nowadays .... Fried durian rice ... etc. Gila durian !! Lol

  10. Wow! Durian with rice. I never try it but I know my mum can eat like that. Haha.

    Did you put some salt and pour water straight from the durian shell and drink directly from it??? ;)

    1. No, I didn't Rose.. I just took cooling water.. and fruits.. .

  11. Nice food but today I can't look at food because I am down with food poisoning :(

  12. Awesome spread!

    Wah!!! You so terer with durians opening lah hihiih

    1. No choice.. if wanna eat, have to make efforts! heheehe..

  13. wah! how many durians you had for the past few days? LOL

  14. Wow! Durian aunty! I don't care how big or small the durians are but they must be yellow or orange to appease me!

    When I ate too much, I would have constipation la.

  15. I passed stall along roadside nearby Kampar.. Dunno those durian expensive or not?

  16. wow.. buah tangan-- learned a new word today.. thank u


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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...