Tuesday, July 1, 2014

My Kind Of Weird Meals

I seldom cook but within a span of 3 days, I have cooked two times... or should I say two meals?  However, each meal consists of one dish only!  *That's me!*  I was compelled to cook because I did not want to waste the two yellow peppers and cucumber which I bought last Saturday.

So what did I play in the kitchen?  The first dish, it is very simple and no rice to go with it.  I decided to eat the vegetables just like that.  
One Yellow Pepper and cucumber plus garlic
That was for my lunch since I had a heavy breakfast....  

Then last night the second yellow pepper was finished as well.... 
I cook some rice for Labbie...
And scooped up some rice to fry for myself....
Diced these.... chinese sausage, yellow pepper and lots of garlic..
and not forgetting the eggs as well...
And within a few minutes, my dinner is ready....
ooppppss...sorry, something was missing... 
not complete yet....
ahhhh.... here is the complete version!
My best meal for the century.... is accomplished... 
One day I might try cooking fried rice with durian flesh...
Kind of weird?  
That's me!


  1. Fried rice looks good as I like it to fry with lap cheong too. I would eat the durians separately, maybe as dessert after eating the rice but I know you like it together with your rice. All in one plate, nice dinner.

    1. Yes, i eat the durians together with the rice.. savoury and sweet at the same time.. I think I follow what my mother does..

  2. Cook for yourself only so one dish is enough, I agree. Hahaha you are really a durian lover. I love to eat durian too but just managed to eat once only.

    1. Tomorrow I have 4 more coming in... colleague's bringing from her farm.. she is selling them.. :)

  3. okay lah actually, one person only then sim sim ple ple can already lor.. looks good also mah the yellow pepper with cucumber, "ching ching dei".. and the fried rice was even better, but of course please minus the durians for me!! haha.. :p

    1. hahahaa... not everyone can take this... Arthur will also say No Thank Q...

  4. Not weird at all. I just don't dare to eat so much carb at one sitting or else I will eat rice with durian too.

    1. Oh, you are very healthy conscious then... :) I think my carbo intake is much more than what I should.. :)

    2. Hahaha I am not health conscious but forced too. My late father died of diabetes related complications, he had one of his leg amputated. I am not scared of death but I want to die peacefully wholesomely so since diabetic is in the genes I better be careful since diabetic people are warned to stay away from rice and durians, having them together means lethal la. So I don't eat them together although I don't have diabetes yet.

  5. We can shake hand, we seldom cook, kakaka...

  6. Your fried rice, makes me wish i can have a bite of it now, hehe...

    1. Aiyoh.. not very nice one wor.. but go with durian, best la! hahaha...

  7. Oh i like capsicum! I can eat it just like that haha

  8. I thought the fried rice looked good...until the durians appeared. Eyewwwwww!!!!!

  9. Love the durians!! And the fried rice! But I think I will eat them separately haha!

  10. Replies
    1. Still deciding whether I wanna do that next time! hahahaa..

  11. Indeed weird, haha xD
    But never mind, as long as you enjoyed!

    1. Durian season not always around... so let's enjoy while it does...

  12. I thought I was spontaneous in cooking, but, I have to give it to you, like how the Singaporeans say it: WIN LIAO LO!

    I can't believe I haven't been stalking your blog. Your blog is the type I like. I just migrated from blogspot to wordpress and was doing blog post clean up when I saw a comment from you in one of my N years ago blog post.

    1. Thanks for coming by... so it was long long ago I was in your blog?

    2. Yeah, some time in 2010. I wasn't doing a good job maintaining the blog back then I guess, I missed a lot of comments from people..

  13. As long as it fills up the tummy, weird not weird, it is alright. Lol.

  14. I love that plate of fried rice - minus the durian la.. Hehe, I prefer to eat the durian as it is.. Eh, I like one-dish-meal, simple and convenient.. Wah, your fried rice got a lot of "liew", two eggs somemore, and ooohh, got my favourite lap cheong.. Sure very "heong" one leh the whole thing..

    1. Put lots of garlic.. that was what my father used to do... very heong... :) if you like..

  15. ahhahahahahaha what a combination, together with durian. I m sure it was a satisfying dinner.

    1. Not too bad.. I dont mind having them again...

  16. The first one looks like a simple salad. Wah, not bad, fried rice with durians! I ought to try that too hah...hah...

  17. wahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Fried rice with durians!

    I want durians too!

    1. Nice dessert for buka-ing puasa, right? Make tempoyak.. sedap!!

  18. You are so creative and can cook shocking meals in the kitchen! I must ask Agnes Chang from Yum Yum to read your post!


Thank you, readers!

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