Monday, July 14, 2014

Taman Emas Penang Laksa

From Hutton Lane, we proceed to another destination.... we passed through the town leaving our tyre marks along the streets leading to Penang Road...  A very smooth drive actually because it was a public holiday in Penang on Saturday and the roads were not as crazy as in any other working day or weekend...
At the traffic light... leading to the junction...
From here, turn right to Penang Road, am I correct?  
Now everyone knows I have no sense of directions... hahaha...
Yes, I have very poor sense when it comes to directions.. 
Easily forgets...
Along Penang Road... driving along to our next destination....
It was a smooth drive cos the school was closed along Gottlieb Road...
Penang Chinese Girls' High School to be exact...
And the shop is exactly opposite the school..... Taman Emas it is called...
"Golden Garden" shop....
Newspaper clippings were pasted on the stall...
Kind of a decor?
And what comes next... is what I am yearning for...
My bowl of Laksa...
No side kicks this time... 
I had eaten a big bowl of KTT earlier, right?
So within an hour, I had taken two bowls of noodles... 
Ok, forget about the calories.... 
After all, this is a Travel For Food trip!


  1. mmm dunn wanna fren u n Ken liao.....both also posted mouth watering asam laksa.... adoi......lau hau sui leh

  2. Oh this place, the broth is quite sourish but the place is quite warm lol

    1. Oh, to be frank, it was a bit sweet this time.. I prefer the first time, it was more sourish... by the way, Ken, I passed by the laksa under the tree... but we din't stop..

  3. Yes!! You pass as a Penang local, you don't go to Air Itam for laksa :D :D !!

    1. Oh, the one near the drain? hahaha.. no.. but I went to Balik Pulau... the tourist laksa.. !

  4. Wahhhhhh wahhhh wahhhh laksa!!!

  5. I also have very bad sense of direction, especially if I'm not driving.. Ala if we are not the ones driving just sit back and relax la, hehe, and let the driver do the rest.. Yummy assam laksa.. Nvm assam laksa wont fat one.. Sour sour, with fish, beh sai fat one la.. kan? hehe

    1. hehehe.. I love to believe what you said... !!

  6. Hehe, eat first...then only think about it!! Hahaha~~~

    1. Yes... eat first.. never mind the waist... hahahaa...

  7. The last time I had it was October last year when I went for my son's convo. Not really to my liking. I still prefer our very own Sarawak laksa.

    1. I think not used to eating the sourish soup, right? :) But it is good to try new food in new places.. I like it.!

  8. wah, this one looks nice leh!! the soup very kaw enough, and the noodles smooth and slurpy enough!! the noodles homemade one ke?? no wonder this young lady can wallop two bowls after a big bowl of KKT!! :D

    1. No la.. mana I wallop two bowls... chatt mmm lok lor.. hahahaa...

  9. Nope not for Bananaz.. first choice is always curry mee but lately going slow jaga badan haha

    1. Curry is not in my itinerary cos Ipoh has lots of curry noodles.. :)

  10. Tsk tsk tsk ......the asam laksa looks so good.

  11. It is indeed golden, just like the restaurant's name. Can you pass me a bite through the screen?

  12. I had the same laksa in Penang too! :)

    I agree, it's quite good.

    1. Not too bad.. though a bit sweet on that day...

  13. Wah! I see got hae koh on the laksa. My partner won't let me eat with hae koh because he says it is bad stuff. hee..hee...

    1. heheehe.. I think I agree with him.. I prefer no hae koh one...

  14. I have been to this place to eat their assam laksa. Nice and quite a small bowl so really suitable for me and you because we are small eaters. Small bowl only so two bowls within one hour is nothing.

    1. I mean two bowls within one hour is not that much. :)

    2. Don't worry lah, nothing and not that much is not that much of a difference :P

    3. One bowl of KTT and one bowl of Laksa.. really satisfying!!

  15. Long time never had a real Penang laksa lo! Yours made me drool!

  16. Not a fan of Penang laksa...but ok, will eat when there's any.


Thank you, readers!

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