Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Bridge Over Troubled Water...

My girl asked me how I cook all dishes at one go in the rice cooker.... I told her it is the most easy way to cook for me as well as for her too if she follows what This lazy mom does....

Put some water into the rice cooker....on a separate bowl, put in some "beras"... My rice cooker is a bit small so I couldn't put in two wooden chopsticks... And I used two metal forks as the "bridge" ....

My meal consisted of one bowl of sweet potato rice, steamed minced meat with one egg and some blanched greens.

                              Bridge over troubled water in the rice cooker.......
                                     Boiled some pumpkin red dates soup
                                       And my balanced meal is done.....
                                       Actually its fun cooking in the kitchen.....
                                       Provided there's nobody hovering behind.....
                                       Know what I mean?  ☺️☺️

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Massive Floods, Missing Airplane And A Mini Landslide

I was so busy this Sunday morning that I did not check my online messages in my hp until 1.30pm. That was when I got to know the tragic news on the missing airplane.  It came as a shock and the first thing that came to my mind... "Oh No.. Not again??"  And this time the ill fated plane is Air Asia, first time in history as far as I know.   Quickly I logged into Facebook... yes, the news were all over... Prayers are needed from everyone regardless of nationality.... and hope is still there if the plane is not found yet...

Malaysia is having a lot up on her sleeves these days... literally speaking....

Just watched a heart wrenching video taken by someone in Kota Bharu on the floods that claimed two lives struggling to stay afloat despite the strong current but eventually, it was a losing battle...  sigh..

While I was taking a walk last evening, I was taken aback by this "mini landslide" here at the school compound...
One part of the wall came tumbling down....
Must be due to the heavy rain for the past few days or weeks...
Missing the street light pillar....
If the slabs fell onto the lamp post, I think it would be serious...
Quite a big portion has fallen down in fact....
And now the drain water are "stuck".... 
Another problem will arise.... Dengue!
Hope the authorities will come soon to repair this...
 if another slab of cement were to fall, the lamp post will come tumbling down too...  

Friday, December 26, 2014

The Kucings At Woolley Food City, Ipoh

It started to rain when they arrived here in IPOH... showers of blessings came pouring down...  I suggested that they should stay a night since it was kind of late already.... Managed to get a room in Mornington Hotel, no swimming pool nor gym but just a clean and comfortable room... Hope they like it!   Waited for them at the hotel and it was almost 3.30pm when they finally stepped in....

After checking in, we went hunting for food along the same row.... one place was closed.. and other commented that the noodles were also finished... At such odd hour, the only place that offered "Okay" food around Ipoh Garden is Woolley... true enough, there were quite a number of stalls still opened....
I ordered Claypot Yam rice....
Mamarazzi ordered Salted Fish with Meat....
I was yearning for this... long time didn't get to eat this...
Fabulous looking, right?
Hoi Chit with Paku Pakis...
Yes, you are right, WK!
Hoi Chit is Jelly Fish!! 
Another plate of Sotong with Kangkung... 
Two plates came to RM14...
Mama Kucing at "work!"
Sweet Mama Kucing!
While Small Kucing looks on.....
Wait... got more food coming!!
Koayteow with prawns....
TWO Plates!
Our late meal....
Between lunch and dinner... 
 OK, Look at Mama Kucing''s eyes and mouth....
What do you think she is trying to express here? 
 The one with the most creative answer will get a gift from me... 


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Santa Claus Comes To Ipoh Town

Santa Claus is coming to IPOH town! Yes, I received the good news on my watsapp and it is a double joy for me as today is a Christmas Day! Okay, it is no Real Santa.. but as many of us bloggers know them, they deserve to be called Santa because they are well known for their kindness and generosity, no doubt about that!  So I called them "Santa Cats!"  They are here today... and I am so happy to "welcome" them into my territory... hahahaa...

As usual, she would be carrying bags and bags of goodies.... and I always ask the same question... "Fun sun kar ah?"  (Property sharing time)  hahahaa... But today is very special...not only they gave me presents... they brought in Durians as well.... and it is not even durian season yet... ! 

Happily we brought in the durians...quickly laid the newspapers on the floor and did the "Official Opening"  hahahaaa...
Our Lady in Action.....
Looks very expert!! 
Durians draws Laughter!
How not to fall in LOVE!
The Happy Durian Lovers... 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Isn't Christmas Till It Happens In Your Heart

Today is Christmas Eve...
The big towns and cities are lighted up...
Ushering in the Christmas atmosphere...
And the coming 2015 too... 
  No, I am not in Singapore... not this year.... 
But someone is still there obviously.... 
In fact both of them are there now...
Painting the town "red" so they say....
  And having a nice Korean buffet meal ... 
Enjoying themselves tremendously....
Ok, they didn't say that... I did!
I know they are missing both of us here....
Cos we are separated by hundreds of miles.... apart..
Both of us are here in IPOH....
And we have Japanese food for dinner.....
Whereas they have Korean..... 
Anyway... distance is not a barrier.... 
All I have to do is to combine the pictures
And now we are so "NEAR!" 
Virtually near... very near....


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Moga Punjab In Little India, Ipoh

My colleagues and I were the early birds, it was not even 8am yet when we reached Little India along Lahat Road... It was still drizzling and most of the shops were not opened yet. We quickly jumped out of the car and into the shop...
*Archive Picture*
This picture was taken on a sunny morning last time...
The shop is called Moga Punjab... 

Upon entering the shop, something "cute" caught my eye... 
Feeling very curious, I quickly made the order for this.....
Then I asked my Indian colleagues.. what is this called...
I was told it was called Paci... 
(not sure my spelling is correct or not)
It was still hot and crispy.... and without much ado, I cut it up...
Alright.. what was that embedded?
I really couldn't describe..
It tasted like "young potato" ...
But it was not... 
My colleague told me it is cut from a young banana...
But I have my doubts... hahahaa...
I should have ordered this instead....
It is called "bonda"...
Again, my spelling might be out...
Underneath the crispy skin, it was filled with curry potatoes.... 
Tastier than curry puffs... cos more fillings ma...
Our meal is made full with this piece of crispy tosai....
Well.... that's my hearty breakie of the day!
Something really different, right?

Monday, December 22, 2014

New Choices Of Food In Pinji Centerpoint, Ipoh

It was by sheer coincidence when we passed this shop at the mouth of Pasir Pinji.... there are few rows of new shophouses, many are still not opened but when we saw the crowd here, we did not want to waste time... Quickly we parked the car and walked a short distance towards this shop here....
Restoran Char Yuen.... 
There was a dumpling stall in front.... 
My girl could not resist not buying.... 
 She bought one layered bread with pumpkin fillings.... 
while waiting for her food to arrive....
My friend wanted to try the dumpling.... and to our surprise, it was very nice!
Lots of fillings... that's what I like!  RM4.50
Same stall... we ordered a bowl of "Siew Chu Kwat" porridge.... RM1.60
One set of toasted bread with eggs medium done...
My friend called this...
Pillow On Toast.... 
 I wanted something soupy.... 
Green noodles with mixed variety...
And the dry version... 
I noticed a lot of people ordered this...
Green noodles with shredded cucumber and special minced meat...
 To complete our meal, we ordered some fresh fruits.... 
Rojak is also available!
One more good choice to go while in Ipoh....
A decent meal to last throughout the day!


Our Family Trip To Japan

BUSY BUSY...  I feel retired life is very hectic for me, either I am too active or I don't have much stamina to keep up with my lifestyl...