Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Cell Group Pre-Christmas At Kampar Club

We had a pre-Christmas dinner this evening at Kampar Club along Tambun Road, just next to the Impiana Hotel.  I like the ambience there, nice environment, quiet with lots of ample space for parking.  The place is not noisy and crowded with patrons such as us and to our delight, we managed to have our dinner in a room too!

We had a good time catching up with one another because we have not seen one another for a couple of months already.  My cell leader was busy taking care of her grandchild in Singapore and she has just came back recently for the festive season.  Each of us were so caught up with our own activities before this evening and ended up so much to update one another during our dinner.  We were so comfortable with each other, it was an informal affair and we wear whatever we like.  If it were a special kind of wedding or anniversary dinner, I think I would end up getting some choices from formal dresses Brisbane!  It has been a long time since I last wore a nice gown to special occasion, I would like to wear something like this here below.....
While waiting for the food, we gave our toast to one another...
Wishing Good Health and Happiness...
All of us need that for sure!
 Our first dish came after half hour..... 
Assam Fish with lots of greens....
Simply appetizing!
 Kai Lan with Yam... tasty!
 Black Pepper Venison
 Salted eggs pumpkin and bitter gourd... yummmsss!
 Spinach soup....
 And a Steamed Woo Soe Kai.... 
(Moustache Chicken?)
And some desserts on the house......
The bill came to RM230 plus rice and drinks for the 10 of us... 
Reasonable... not too bad... 
 My First Christmas Pressie! 
Thank you, Jennifer!
Here's our toast again.... 
Just a sip or two.... 
To activate the bloodstream...
That's IT....


  1. Very good price! The present must go under the tree until Christmas, right?

  2. The bible tells us "a little wine is good for the stomach" Claire! So toast all you want! Will you be coming back here? It really looks divine! The room is pretty too.

    1. Yes, cheers and toast and sip a bit here and there.. hahaha... Yes, will go back for a meal or two next time..

  3. Love all the dishes you ordered especially the assam fish. Price is reasonable.

    1. Yes, quite reasonable and assam normally is appetizing..

  4. I like all the food you ordered, especially the asam fish and steamed white chicken.. Dessert on the house? Usually they will just serve sliced fruits, but this one gave tongsui, nice..

    1. Barley and foo chuk... hahaa.. better than nothing..

  5. Wah!!! So early, start celebrating and getting drunk already kah? What's in the present?

    1. Not drunk yet... just enough to circulate the blood.. hahaah.. present? Hmmmm... something useful...

  6. The dishes doesn't look to Christmas-y, I was expecting roast turkey and pumpkin pie or something XD

    1. As long it is Good Food.. western or asian food does not matter anymore to us! hahaha..

  7. RM230 for 10 actually is quite cheap and reasonable!! So fast got your Christmas present already, can't wait Christmas is coming to town!! =]

    1. Oh... I need to get some stuff done.. putting up christmas tree is also a tedious task!

  8. Nice dinner. I also like dining in a room. More private and enjoy the company. I like to that salted egg pumpkin and bittergourd. Never had ir before.

    1. Salted eggs seem to be quite common nowadays... it blends well with a number of food stuff...

  9. oh nice dishes and I also like the salted pumpkin and bitter gourd.. errr, mustache chicken?? chicken have got mustache??!! O.O so they taste better ke??

  10. Before Christmas you already started to makan besar already hee..hee... The asam fish looks good and I like that there are lots of vege in it.

  11. Ehh didn't know there's a Kampar club in Ipoh. I thought you meant the Kampar club in Kampar when I read your title! hehe

    1. Now you know.. next time try it out if you can.. :)

  12. glorious food and sumptious meal!! haha u already start feasting for christmas...All the dishes 'ngam' my taste :-)

  13. Wahhh! Claire, all the dishes look so good and yummy, my mouth watering liow....
    a little wine to warm our stomach...is good for you! God bless you and your cell group members.

  14. Drool! You food got me salivating again, Claire! Happy holidays, dear! xoxo

  15. These dresses are all so beautiful - love the colours and styles!! :)

  16. Thanks for your share . I like your article.


Thank you, readers!

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STARTED MY BLOG IN 2008 JANUARY...  Blogging was a trend then, I was in my late forties, I was still working and I updated my blog each day ...