Monday, December 8, 2014

Concubine Lane In Old Town, Ipoh

After our lunch in Bali Assam House, we made a quick stopover at old town Concubine's lane aka Yee Lai Hong.  Time was not on our side, my friend had to catch the train at 4pm... and when we reached old town, it was already 3.25pm...

This was the first time visiting these souvenir shops along concubine lane... I have read and seen so many postings in Facebook and yet, I have not been eventhough I am a local.  How could that be??

Never mind.. coming back to the post.... To our delight, we found out that one of our classmate is the sole proprietor of one of these newly opened authentic shops here along the concubine lane...
 Concubine's Lane..
Which is now a popular spot among tourists and locals too!
Photo courtesy of Andrew Chen
Thank you Andrew!
Presenting our lovely sweet Lady.... 
Great job she has done here in Alexis....
Briefly on what her shop offers....
Gifts, souvenirs, authentic momentos...

Took some pictures before we left to "chase" the train....
If only we had more time.....
Peace unto All!
All Is Good Here!!!
And some cheeky poses before We Really Have To Chase The Train....
Wish we had more time to linger longer...
So much to see... just look at the cats!
It was drizzling too when we left...
Hurry... Hurry...
Choo-choo train won't wait....
Till we meet again..... SOON!


  1. What a train chase. Haha. Yes. A great souvenir shop. I love browsing through this kind of shop.

  2. I like going to this type of souvenir shop, see unique kind of things. Notice one of your friends is not in the pix, or maybe she is the photographer. Love the group pix, everyone is smiling to the brim.

    1. Oh, one of them had gone home... hahaha.. that was why three of us left only.. you have a good memory, Irene!

  3. Me too... but not enough time then... :)

  4. I know where is Concubine Lane but did not know that now, there are so many interesting things to see. From your photos, I can see that the place has received a face lift. One of these days, I must go and take a look for myself. Thank you for sharing this interesting place.

    1. Yes, I wanna go again too.. didn't take much pictures along the way cos it was drizzling...

  5. Aiyo, the name so intriguing. What kind of souvenirs they sell there? Is it the usual souvenirs, or specialized souvenirs to commemorate the yee lais? XD

    1. Come and see for yourself, RG! That makes it more interesting... :)

  6. Now, that's ONE place I would love to go and check out when in Ipoh. So interesting. Bet there will be a lot I would wanna grab and bring home.

  7. This place is interesting!! But hardly go Ipoh these days.

    1. Wait till you "tow" two in line, Hayley! hahahaa

  8. All you ladies are so sporting in the last photo. Your poses are so cute!

  9. sounds interesting. I haven't been there before.

  10. Everything in her shop is lovely and tempting. She must be a designer...even the banner outside is very pretty. I like how the jewelry is displayed in a suitcase. Concubine Lane, that is a very provocative name, how did it get it?

    1. Those days.. history... the men "put" their mistresses here.. so I guess.. hahaha...

  11. Haha pui fook you all.. Drizzling still can pose pose crazily but that's good.. Cool ma, hor.. The shop looks unique and interesting, never been to one at all here..

    1. One day you must come visit this place then...

  12. what an interesting name of that Lane!! haha, all the mistresses were "kept" there last time by the men?? :p

    nice place it is.. like that "Shanghai Lady" painting and of course the decor of the shop!! beautiful.. :)

    1. I am not so sure of the history.. but I heard it seems that way.. Yes, I like the deco too and how they refurbish back the buildings....

  13. So many nice things to see. I think I can spend the whole day at the shop.

  14. Ooo...I like the Shanghai feel at this lane.

  15. such a weird name for the most concubines stay there? LOL! u ladies having a great time despite in tight schedule (of chasing train) !

    1. Go check it out.. it is now a tourist spot.. :)

  16. Oh I know that tiny Concubine Lane which is opposite the famous coffee shop that sells Ipoh Kor Fun, Liver Satay and Caramel Custard. This kinda gift shop is my favourite hangout!

    1. Yes, Yes!! That is the one.. I think the one I showed here is just opposite the shop you mentioned..

  17. Oh yi nai hong! i haven't been there before personally, would really love to drop by :D


Thank you, readers!

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